Implementing Directory Management using Shell Script

Directory management constitutes the functions dealing with organization and maintenance of various directories. Directories usually contain files of any type, but this may vary between file systems. The content of a directory does not affect the directory object itself.

Some of the directory functions are:

  • Navigation
  • Absolute/ Relative Pathnames
  • Listing Directories
  • Creating Directories
  • Modifying Directories

You can write your script in an editor like pico etc. Execute your files as mentioned below in the output screenshot. The following shell script implements these functions of directory management, using commands available in Linux.

echo "    "
echo "----Implementing Directory Management----"
echo "    "
while [ $ch -lt 6 ]
    echo "Press the following to :"
    echo "1) Create a new directory."
    echo "2) Modify a directory."
    echo "3) Navigate into directory."
    echo "4) Listing directories."
    echo "5) Exit."
    read ch
    case $ch in
    1) echo " " 
       echo "---Creation of Directory---"
       echo "  "
       echo "Enter the name of the directory:"
       read name
       mkdir $name
    2) echo " "
       echo "---Modification of Directory---"
       echo "    " 
       echo "Enter the directory to be modified:"
       read orgdir
       echo "Press the following to :"
       echo "    "
       echo "1) Rename directory."
       echo "2) Copy directory to another."
       echo "3) Move directory."
       echo "4) Delete directory."
       echo "5) Exit from Modify Mode."
       read modch
        case $modch in
        1) echo "  "
           echo "---Rename a directory---"
           echo "  "
           echo "Enter new name for the directory:"
           read newname
           mv $orgdir $newname
        2) echo "  "
           echo "---Copying a directory to another---"
           echo "  "
           echo "Enter target directory:"
           read target
           mkdir $target
           cp $orgdir $target
        3) echo "  "
           echo "---Moving a directory---"
           echo "  "
           echo "Enter target directory:"
           read target
           mkdir $target
           mv $orgdir $target
        4) echo "  "
           echo "---Deleting a directory---"
           echo "  "
           rmdir $orgdir
        5) echo "  "
           echo "---Exiting from modify mode---"
           echo "  "
      echo "---Navigation of Directory---"
      echo "  "
      echo "Enter your choice for method of navigation :"
      echo "1) Go to Parent Directory. "
      echo "2) Navigate to specific directory."
      echo "3) Exit from Navigate Mode."
      read navch
      case $navch in
        1) echo "  "
           echo "---Parent Directory---"
           echo "  "
           cd ..
        2) echo "  "
           echo "---Navigation to Specific Directory---"
           echo "  "
           echo "Enter the target Path:"
           read path
           cd $path
        3) echo "  "
           echo "---Exiting from Navigate Mode---"
           echo "  "
      echo "---    Listing of Directories---"
      echo "  "
      echo "Enter your choice for method of listing :"
      echo "1) List of directories. "
      echo "2) List of directories and their details."
      echo "3) Exit from List Mode."
      read lisch
      case $lisch in
        1) echo "  "
           echo "---List of directories---"
           echo "  "
        2) echo "  "
           echo "---Detailed List of directories---"
           echo "  "
           ls -l
        3) echo "  "
           echo "---Exiting from List Mode---"
           echo "  "
    5)echo "  "
      echo "---Exiting---"
      echo "  "
