Importance and Functions of the Administrative Machinery

In a democracy, power is conferred upon people in their pursuit of quality life. With professional consultation and knowledge of the administrative machinery, the democratic goals of equality, freedom, and justice are achievable. The Indian Constitution provides for well-structured administrative machinery. Branched under the pillar of the executive organ, the people responsible for managing the regular affairs of the government are a part of it. The foundation of this machinery lies in the civil services system of our country. These special skilled and trained executives collectively constitute the bureaucracy. The roles and responsibilities of these civil servants are mentioned in Article 308-311 of the Indian constitution.  

Professionally, the administrative machinery is entrusted with the responsibility to second the working of the central and the state government. The complexity of government and its working is eased by the role that bureaucracy is expected to perform. Apart from the policy advisory they offer to the political executives, the administrative machinery is quintessential for citizens’ life directly. India has adopted a parliamentary form of the executive.

 Political Accountability Towards the Government  

  • Indian bureaucrats are expected to perform the dual role in terms of being accountable to both the Parliament as well as the citizens. Civil servants are obliged to oversee that the functioning of the government is based on the principle of democracy and transparency.
  • The Government of India has elucidated the role of ‘accountability’ of civil servants. The government is the primary object in determining the public interest. Civil servants are a driving force for the effective implementation of administrative measures.
  • These public office holders are expected to be neutral in their work. Thus, they should restrict themselves from being biased towards the ruling party or the opposition. They assist the government and those in power to formulate and execute policies and programmes. The assistance is contingent on the constitutional and legal foundation defined to them.
  • For a successful democracy, there should be provisions available to prevent and further restrict any kind of political influence over the bureaucrats.

Advocating Public Interest  

  • In countries as big as India, there are wide concerns and political anxieties over the transparency and honest implementation of policies. Public officials play an important role in creating a citizen-friendly environment.
  • Civil servants are responsive to the aspirations of the citizens. In exhibiting their professionalism, they ensure that the principle of equality is well synchronized in society. They are expected to respond and cater to the needs of weaker sections.
  • The three tier system of the government allows the civil servants to check that the developmental task is carried efficiently even in the remotest area. On the other hand, decentralized administration of the Indian government has facilitated them to manage affairs related to law and order.

Implementing Development Plans 

  • A contact and an interconnected network are set forth  between the society and the State through the administrative machinery. This administrative machinery is a pivotal instrument. It helps in preparing policy proposals, determining as well as modifying suggestions and various approaches on the implementation front.
  • As an organization bound by the values of integrity, sincerity  and stringency towards  rules and regulation, political neutrality, or impartiality and vigilance, the bureaucrats ensure a smooth development process.
  • The centralized administration does not have the means nor the will to redress citizens’ matters related to personal significance. It is the part where bureaucracy’s role is expanded. It provides an immediate opportunity for citizens and redresses their personal grievances.
  • Bureaucrats are responsible to put the development roadmaps into action in the region they are posted in. They play the role of development officers, especially in the rural areas wherein they provide their valuable inputs to modernize the area.

Administrative Machinery And Citizens’ Right

  • Administrative machinery ensures that all citizens are highly equipped, secure and healthy in order to provide them a quality life. The bureaucrats are expected to be highly responsive to the basic needs of citizens including health and education.
  • It is an indispensable part on behalf of the civil servants to create an atmosphere of good governance. They are expected to suggest and implement legal and institutional reforms for the same. It is also important to note that good governance is characterized by the extent of citizenry participation, the level of transparency and the prevalence of human rights protection.
  • The administrative machinery is placed in charge to deliver services fairly and efficiently to the general public.
  • The elementary function of the state has always been to maintain internal order, promote unity and provide justice. The administrative machinery is a vital prerequisite in promoting the values of social justice, equality and freedom.

 Democratic Safeguards By Bureaucracy 

  • India, known to be a democratic state, often finds itself in a difficult position to promote equality and unity in a society divided by caste. At the same time, the national security and territorial integrity of the land have always been of core importance to the government since independence.
  • The administrative machinery has the obligation to promote and create conditions of tolerance and cooperation within the national borders. They are responsible to focus on weaker sections and promote communal harmony by providing facilities such as physical and health infrastructure.
  • Bureaucrats and civil servants are obliged to inform corrupt malpractices or any kind of illegal act committed by those who are in power. This improves the morale of people in democracy and prevents the administrative system from unethicality.

The need to foster good governance, achieve multiple goals of sustainable political and economic development and provide stable and quality life to citizens has advocated the importance of administrative machinery. Certain reforms such as merit based promotion and incentivizing bureaucrats can deepen the effectiveness of government policies and other initiatives. This in turn would help gain citizens’ trust and provide a framework for effective democracy in being. In the task of economic development with social justice, the knowledge and skills of what constitutes the administrative machinery are priceless. Their role in responding to crises and affairs such as natural disasters or financial crises is significant. The constitution has made reservation provisions for weaker sections such as SCs, STs, OBCs as well as women in public bureaucracy under Article 16(4). All in all, the backbone of the executive is crucial for democracy to function.