Synonyms and Antonyms List in English Grammar

Synonyms & Antonyms


In this article, we will learn about the important “Antonyms and Synonyms” for SSC CGL and for other competitive exams. Kindly bookmark this article for future reference.

What is a Synonym?

A Synonym is a word or phrase with the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase. Thus, words that are similar in meaning are called “Synonyms”.  

Synonyms Example :

Demanded(verb): to ask for something in an extremely firm or aggressive way.
For example, “Student demanded a refund”.
Synonyms: appeal, trade

Imposed(verb): to make a law, rule, opinion, etc. be accepted by using your power or authority.
For example, “The Event organizers made it clear that the decision was ours and was not imposed by them.”     
Synonyms: enforce, decree

Enhanced(verb): to improve or make something look better.
For example, “Today’s technology is constantly trying to bring new and enhanced versions of products.”
Synonyms: augment, boost


Acrimonious (adjective): 
Meaning: angry and bitter; typically of speech or discussion.
For example, “an acrimonious dispute about wages”.
Synonyms: acrid, bitter, embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore


What is an Antonym?

An antonym is a term or phrase that has the opposite meaning to another. In simple words, we can say that Antonyms are the opposite of any given word. Such words with opposite meanings are known as “Antonyms”.

Antonyms Example : 

Acrimonious (adjective): 
Meaning: angry and bitter; typically of speech or discussion.
For example, “an acrimonious dispute about wages”.
Antonyms: caring, forgiving, gentle, kind, loving, sweet, sympathetic, tender, warm

Decoy (verb):
Meaning: lure or entice (a person or animal) away from their intended course, typically into a trap.
For example, “He used to hum a song to decoy her”.       
Antonyms: repellent

Despotism (noun):
Meaning: exercising your absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.
For example, “the ideology of enlightened despotism”.
Antonyms: democracy, self-governance, freedom, self-determination

Chary (adjective):
Meaning: cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.
For example, “Harleen had been chary of revealing the complete truth”.
Antonyms: careless, heedless, incautious, unguarded, unmindful.

Synonyms and Antonyms Examples

Sr. No. Word Meaning For Example Synonyms Antonyms
1 Berserk (adjective): out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied. Students went berserk when they knew that their fellow mate has brought a gun in class. agitatedly, confusedly, crazily, desperately, feverishly calmly, collectedly, composedly, coolly
2 Vantage  (noun) a place or position affording a good view of something. Riyan could see across the river from his vantage point. advantage, better, bulge detriment, stranglehold, disparity, imbalance, inequality
3 Ostracize (verb): exclude from a society or group. Since he was studious and introvert, he was ostracized by his classmates. castigate, chastise, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, admonish, chide, reprove approve, endorse, eulogize, exalt
4 Rudimentary (adjective) belonging to or characteristic of an early level of skill or development.  rudimentary shelters were built by prehistoric peoples. basic, simple, uncomplicated, backward, underdeveloped, undeveloped, unsophisticated advanced, developed, evolved, high, higher, late
5 Bulwark (noun) to drive danger or attack away from; a defensive wall they vowed to use any means necessary to bulwark the country against attack. model, original, originator assail, assault, attack
6 Archetype (noun) a prototype; an original which has been imitated.  A Library in my city is the archetype of an old-style themed Library. model, original, originator  copy, imitation, replica, reproduction
7 Invidious (adjective) (of an action or situation) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others. It is invidious to judge someone by listening to a one-sided story only covetous, envious, green-eyed, jaundiced, jealous, resentful generous, kind, kind-hearted, altruistic, benevolent, charitable
8 Smug (adjective) having or showing excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements. Aarav was feeling smug when he learned he cleared IIT arrogant, assumptive, bumptious, cavalier egoless, humble, modest, uncomplacent
9 Palliate (verb) allay or moderate (fears or suspicions). My lawyer for this case would try to palliate, my act from the standpoint of the law Vijay Malaya and Neerav Modi are accused of peculating Bank’s money.  aggravate, exacerbate
10 Niggardly (adjective) ungenerous with money, time, etc.; mean.  “Rishi accused the Government of being unbelievably niggardly”. careful, chary, conserving, economical, economizing, frugal altruistic, selfless, unselfish, extravagant
11 Malediction (noun) a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil; a curse. “Workers left the factory, muttering maledictions against their Supervisor.” anathema, ban, curse, execration, imprecation

citation, commendation, endorsement

12 Legion (adjective) great in number.  “her fans are legion” many, multi-fold, multiple, multiplex, multitudinous, numerous few, countable, limited
13 Gratuitous (adjective) done without good reason; uncalled for.  “gratuitous violence” dispensable, inessential, needless, nonessential, uncalled-for, unessential, unnecessary, unwarranted

all-important, crucial, important, vital, imperative, pressing, urgent

14 Horrendous (adjective) extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible. “Vartika suffered horrendous injuries”. daunting, demoralizing, disconcerting, discouraging, dismaying

calming, comforting, consoling, inviting, pacifying

15 Callous (adjective) cheerful friendliness; geniality.  Some people make callous comments even for the last rites and funerals as well.  boorish, heedless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, uncaring, unfriendly, unloving, unthinking

charitable, compassionate, humane, kindly, merciful.


Difference Between Synonyms and Antonyms


Sr. No.




Antonyms are words with opposite meanings Synonyms are words with similar meanings


Antonyms of some words are formed by adding a prefix Synonyms cannot be formed by adding a prefix


For Example- Waste For Example- Economise

Practice Questions on Synonyms:

Choose the choice that most closely matches the highlighted word.

1. Odious

A. Delightful
B. Friendly
C. Decorative
D. Disgusting
E. Esthetic

Answer:   D
Odious: extremely unpleasant


2. Vivacious

A. Imaginary
B. Lively
C. Lazy  
D. Timely 
E. Perceptible

Answer:   B
Vivacious: attractively lively and animated (typically used of a woman).


3. Sporadic

A. Punctual
B. Frequent
C. Scattered
D. Irrelevant
E. Continuous

Answer: C
Sporadic: occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.


4. Anticipate

A. Predict 
B. Contemplate
C. Assert
D. Neglect
E. Doubtfulness  

Answer: A
• Anticipate: regard as probable; expect or predict.


5. Persevere

A. Hesitate
B. Concede
C. Renounce
D. Persist
E. Discontinue

Answer: D
• Persevere: continue in the course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
• Concede: admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.
• Renounce: formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession).


6. Emancipation

A. Imprisonment
B. Liberation
C. Detention
D. Constraint
E. Subjugation    

Answer: B
• Emancipation: the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
• Detention: the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.
• Constraint: a limitation or restriction. 
• Subjugation: the act of bringing someone or something under domination or control.


7. Beseech

A. Appeal
B. Mandate
C. Praise
D. Threaten
E. Relax

Answer: A
Beseech: ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.


8. Garrulous

A. Quarrelsome
B. Confident
C. Talkative
D. Disgusting
E. Charming

Answer: C

Garrulous: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

Practice Questions on Antonyms :

Choose the choice that is opposite to the highlighted word.

1. Subservient

A. Submissive
B. Servile
C. Obedient
D. Domineering
E. Agreeable

Answer: D
Subservient: prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

2. Boisterous

A. Tranquil 
B. Disorderly
C. Obstreperous
D. Tumultuous
E. Unrestrained

Answer: A

• Boisterous: noisy, energetic, and cheerful.
• Tranquil: free from disturbance; calm.
• Obstreperous: noisy and difficult to control. 
• Tumultuous: making an uproar or loud, confused noise.

3. Cacophony

A. Disharmony
B. Pandemonium
C. Turbulence
D. Hullabaloo
E. Euphony  

Answer: E

• Cacophony: a harsh discordant mixture of sounds
• Disharmony: lack of harmony or agreement. 
• Pandemonium: wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.
• Turbulence: a state of conflict or confusion.
• Hullabaloo: a commotion; a fuss.
• Euphony: the quality of being pleasing to the ear.

4. Insipid

A. Uninteresting
B. Exciting  
C. Spiritless
D. Unpalatable
E. Monotonous  

Answer: B

• Insipid: lacking flavour; weak or tasteless. 
• Unpalatable: not pleasant to taste.

5. Pragmatic

A. Practical
B. Sensible
C. Idealistic
D. Realistic
E. Expedient

Answer: C

• Pragmatic: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
• Expedient: suitable or appropriate
• Idealistic: unrealistically aiming for perfection
• Sensible: practical and functional rather than decorative.

6. Impetuous

A. Reckless
B. Hasty
C. Heedless
D. Cautious
E. Agitated

Answer: D

• Impetuous: acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
• Reckless: heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous. 
• Heedless: showing a reckless lack of care or attention.

7. Flippant

A. Disrespectful
B. Courteous 
C. Thoughtless
D. Strong
E. Successful

Answer: B

• Flippant: not showing a serious or respectful attitude.
• Courteous: polite, respectful, or considerate in manner. 

FAQs on Synonyms and Antonyms :


Que 1. How to learn Synonyms and Antonyms
Answer: To learn Antonyms and Synonyms one must read new words daily and try to use these words in daily conversation. Keep revising these words and focus mainly on application.


Que 2. Is Antonyms and Synonyms are important for SSC CGL
Answer: Yes it is very important not only for SSC CGL but also for all competitive exams. One should focus on these questions. 4 -5 questions are asked in SSC CGL pre exams and in mains it plays a major role.


Que 3. What if one is not able to learn Antonyms and Synonyms so he/she afford to leave these questions in the exam?
Answer: This Question is totally subjective, who is going to ask this question? If someone is brilliant in Quant, Reasoning, GS, and English grammar and able to score 40+ marks in English only then he/she should afford to leave such questions otherwise one should focus on these questions.

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