In India Agriculture is a Primary Activity. Why?

Agriculture is a key occupation in India since lots of places have fertile terrain suitable for cultivation. Agriculture still supports two-thirds of the Indian population. As a result, we can consider that India is a densely populated country, and large-scale food production is needed to the people’s needs.

Agriculture as a Primary Activity in India

Agriculture was a primary activity in India for centuries and is playing an important role in the country’s economy and the livelihoods of the large population. The majority of the population in India was mostly dependent on agriculture for their food and income. Several factors contribute to the importance of agriculture as a primary activity in India, let’s explore further about agriculture in India for becoming primary activity.

Historical Significance:

Agriculture is having historical significance in India, from back to ancient civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization. Over time, farming practices evolved, and various agricultural advancements were made. The Green Revolution in the 1960s further emphasized the importance of agriculture and propelled the country towards self-sufficiency in food production. The historical roots of agriculture in India have entrenched it as a primary activity.

Subsistence Agriculture:

Subsistence farming is common in India, mostly in rural regions, there are small-scale farmers available which makes them subsistence in farming. These farmers rely on traditional farming methods and cultivate diverse crops to meet their household needs. In rural areas, there could large population which creates subsistence agriculture. It is a major activity for food security and self-sufficiency.

Large Agricultural Workforce:

India has a vast agricultural workforce comprising farmers, agricultural labourers, and allied workers. As per the recent data available, most of the workers in India do agriculture. The abundance of labour in rural areas is a significant factor that sustains agriculture as a primary activity. Millions of individuals find work in the agricultural industry, which helps to supplement their income.

Favourable Climate and Topography:

India’s diverse climate and topography offer favourable conditions for agricultural practices. India is having a variety of agricultural climatic zones, ranging from tropical to temperate, which are best for cultivating a broad variety of crops.

There are major significant rivers like the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, as well as a monsoon climate, there is plenty of water resources for agriculture. These natural factors make agriculture a viable and productive activity across different regions of the country.

Agricultural Economy:

India’s economy has had a strong agricultural foundation for long years, with agriculture accounting for a sizable portion of its GDP (Gross Domestic Product). As agriculture’s contribution to the GDP has been declining over time passes, it continues to be a major industry, particularly in rural areas.

The agricultural sector provides raw materials for agro-based industries, such as textiles, food processing, and dairy, contributing to rural development and employment generation.

Government Policies and Support:

The Indian government understands the importance of agriculture and has implemented a number of programs to encourage its growth and development. Initiatives such as minimum support prices (MSP), subsidized loans, crop insurance, irrigation schemes, and rural infrastructure development aim to support farmers and enhance agricultural productivity. These policies create a conducive environment for agriculture to thrive and reinforce its status as a primary activity.


Agriculture’s significance as a primary activity in India stems from its historical roots, large agricultural workforce, favourable climate and topography, agrarian economy, and government support. The sector remains crucial for food security, employment generation, and rural development. As India develops, there is a greater need for sustainable agricultural practices, technical improvements, and diversification to assure the agricultural sector’s growth and stability in the face of changing difficulties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Que 1. Why is agriculture considered a primary activity in India?

Ans – Historical significance, subsistence agriculture, large agricultural workforce, favourable climate and topography, agricultural economy, and government support contribute to its importance.

Que 2. Write the significance of subsistence farming in India.

Ans – Subsistence farming is very common in most rural regions as it helps to meet household needs, providing food security and self-sufficiency.

Que 3. How do India’s climate and topography support agriculture?

Ans – India’s diverse climate and topography provide favourable conditions for cultivating a wide variety of crops, and abundant water resources from rivers and monsoon rainfall support agricultural practices.

Que 4. How is India’s economy by agriculture?

Ans – Agriculture has a strong foundation in India’s economy, contributing to its GDP and providing raw materials for agro-based industries, contributing to rural development and employment generation.

Que 5. How does the Indian government support agriculture?

Ans – The Indian government implements various programs, such as minimum support prices, subsidized loans, crop insurance, and rural infrastructure development, to support farmers and enhance agricultural productivity.