Incedo Inc. Interview Experience Intern+ FTE (On-Campus) 2021

Incedo Inc. visited our college virtually in August. The online test was conducted on SHL. There was a total of 3 rounds.

Round 1(Online Test): An online test was conducted on the SHL platform. The test has 6 sections-

  • Verbal,
  • Logical Reasoning,
  • Quants,
  • CS Fundamentals,
  • Code Outputs,
  • Automata( This section has a total of 7 coding questions . Only error correction in code and run.)

Out of 600+ students, 61 were selected.

Round 2(Technical Round): The interview was conducted on zoom. The interview was 45 min for everyone. The interviewer started with basic questions like:

  • difference between C and C++
  • static keyword and implementation
  • run time polymorphism and compile time polymorphism
  • OOPS principles
  • 2 questions for coding which were of easy to med level.
  • Project Discussion

Out of 61 students, 34 were selected for the Leadership Interview I was one of them.

Round 3(Leadership +HR): The interview was conducted on Zoom. It was 30-45 min for everyone. The interviewer started with an introduction, then he asked me questions from my resume like

  • Tell me about your projects and their tech stacks.
  • what are the tech stacks you to work in future?
  • The best part of your projects.
  • If you were hired then you would like to work individually or in a team.
  • and the rest were basic HR questions.

Out of 34 students finally, 27 students were offered and  I was one of them.

Verdict: Selected