Incture Technologies Interview Experience (On-Campus)

I am a Final year Electrical Engineering Student, Incture Technologies visited our campus NIT Meghalaya around in September 2020. They allowed all branches of plus

Round 1 (Coding Round): Consists of 2 coding questions, logical, comprehension MCQs. A fixed time is allowed for each slot. Overall it was a 1.5 hrs test.

  1. Next greater palindrome number for a given number n.
  2. All numbers till n, for which adjacent digits have a difference of 1.

Around 12 students selected out of 150 students.

Round 2 (Design Round): This round is totally different from that of System Design Round. So don’t waste your time in watching Gaurav Sen’s System Design videos for this round.

30 minutes are allowed for this round held on Microsoft Teams (Web proctored). Everyone was given two problems, and we have to write our solution to any one of them. We can use points, flowchart, summary in the solution. We can write our solution on Google Docs, white pages, and a link are provided through the mail where we have to submit our solutions, resume.

  1. Surge prices of ola, uber taxi in tier-2 cities.
  2. Data charges based on their consumption in metro cities.

They said results will be announced in the next 30 minutes. 8 students selected out of 12 for the next round.

Round 3 (Technical Round): This round was totally based on resume screening.

Interviewer: What are all the programming languages do you know?

Me: C++, C (Java and python is always a plus point, they asked me for Java)

Interviewer: He asked me about my internship experience, the technology I used, the project, team management, problems faced.

Interviewer: Asked me about my project.

Me: I explained about the idea, tech, and its application.

Interviewer: Whether I have deployed my app (as my project was on android).

Interviewer: What are all the Data structure I know whether I have done any course (as I was from electrical)

Interviewer: He asked me about the Design round problems, explain all points technically. And he asked me about some cases how can solve them technically, about Data Analytics in Firebase.

Only 3 students from selected for HR Round (I was not among them)

They asked about the stack, bubble sort, and merge sort code from a few of my friends.