Independence Day of Tuvalu

In the Pacific Ocean, a bunch of 9 small islands forms a country called Tuvalu. It is a  region of Polynesia along with four different liberated states. It is discovered nearly 4000 kilometers from Sydney and Hawaii. The estimated area of this country is about 26 square kilometers. This nation is just larger than Nauru, Monaco, and the Vatican among the most smallish nations. About more than 11,000 inhabitants have settled here. It is extremely miniature in surface area, but it has a considerable area in the sea.


Tuvalu achieved its freedom on October 1, 1978. Before the freedom, the nation was known as the Ellice Islands which was a part of the British Western Pacific Territories. In Tuvalu, there is a constitutional monarchy with a 15-member unicameral parliament elected every four years. It was previously a region of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, a British colony. To this day it is even a portion of the Commonwealth and officially Elizabeth II is the chief of state. In 1974 Tuvalu demanded freedom which resulted in a referendum. The country separated from its colonial status between 1975 and 1976 which resulted in its independence of the country in 1978.

Economic condition at present:

Under regular circumstances, Tuvalu welcomes only roughly 2,000 travelers a year. Because of this, it has received the tag of the most inconsequential visited country on the earth according to the World Tourism Organization.

The airport is found in Funafuti, the central island. Nevertheless, it is so diminutive that a street intersects the airstrip. And it is also frequently utilized as a general and recreational area. Tuvalu has a pertinent and odd source of income that no other country has. According to some research, it is a country that receives the fewest tourists in the world. Tuvalu may be the subsequent country to quit to exist. For every square kilometer on land, it has 28,800 as an entire financial location. 

There is no land in this country that are suitable for agriculture so, the for edibles the country heavily rely on imports. This completes fishing, one of the most appropriate monetary activities in this country. But without a suspicion, Tuvalu has one of the most unnatural regular earnings on the earth. Every year, it obtains about 5 million dollars for doing zero, which illustrates more than 10 per cent of its thrift.

Climatic condition at present:

 The hazard from atmosphere change is not a hypothetical problem or one that can be predicted but is true concrete, and current. A slight incline in the water level would leave the nation entirely dipped, and it is assumed that this could occur in almost 30 years. The highest elevation is only 5 meters beyond sea level. The leaders have grumbled on different platforms to find an explanation and request support. There is no land in this country that are suitable for agriculture so, the edibles must be imported. 

The country is beautiful in itself but it is estimated that due to sea level rise the country will be inhabitable in the next 100 years. It is a topic of concern but the people who want to visit the country should hurry up.