Indira College of engineering and Management (ICEM) Campus experience for BE Computer Engineering


As a Computer Science student, my experience at Indira College of Engineering and Management, Pune was incredible. The green campus is located in the heart of the mountain, providing a peaceful environment for learning and development.

Orientation Day:

My university experience started with an exciting Orientation Day. I remember the warm welcome from the teachers and adults who made us feel at home. The school tour showed us state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories and a library stocked with books and textbooks.

Academic Excellence:

Indira College’s computer science department is known for its academic rigour. Experienced teachers are experts in their fields and are always effective and ready to guide students. The interactive and hands-on experience in the laboratory improved my skills.

Clubs and Extra Sports:

I did not limit my university education to academics. Indira College has extracurricular activities and I joined the Computer Science Society. We held programming competitions, hackathons, and conferences; This not only improved my knowledge but also helped me build a good network with good friends.

Internships and Internships:

One of the main points of my college journey has been excellence. The placement team is constantly working to bring the best companies to our campus. I had the chance to intern at a technology company in Pune that offered world-class opportunities.

Cultural and Sports Activities:

Indira College celebrates diversity by organizing various cultural and sports activities throughout the college year. Participating in these activities allowed me to expand my skills beyond academics. I have fond memories of coding competitions during my college years.

Senior Year Project:

As a senior student, I am working on my final project, which is the focal point of all knowledge and experience, the wisdom I gained when I moved to the next level. My professors’ guidance was important in creating my project.

Friendships and memories:

College life is more than academics and career preparation; It also builds lifelong friendships and creates lasting memories. Evening classes, field trips, and the friendship of my classmates made my college experience unforgettable.


Indira Faculty of Engineering and Management not only prepared my education but also made me a good person. While preparing for the interview, I believe that the skills and experience I have gained here will open the door to a rewarding career in the technology sector.