Comparison of Time-Series Databases: InfluxDB vs. Prometheus

A Time-Series Database (TSDB) is a type of database that handles and processes time-stamped or time-series data efficiently. They are particularly useful in processing large data sets with time stamps, such as sensor readings, weather data, social media analytics, stock market prices, and server performance metrics. Some famous time series are InfluxDB, Prometheus, OpenTSDB, and Graphite. 

Table of Content

  • What is InfluxDB?
  • What is Prometheus?
  • InfluxDB vs Prometheus: The Complete Comparison
  • InfluxDB vs Prometheus: Conclusion

These databases are pivotal in modern data management in an exponentially increasing time-series data era. They provide adequate storage, facilitate quick queries, offer comprehensive stats, and boast extensibility. This blog compares the two most prominent open-source solutions, InfluxDB and Prometheus. These TSDBs have recently become popular for providing real-time insights into the time-series data management market. 

What is InfluxDB?

InfluxDB is an open-source time-series database developed by InfluxData. This quick and scalable database is specifically built to manage large quantities of time-stamped data in real-time. InfluxDB boasts its ecosystem known as the TICK stack, which comprises four key components:

  • Telegraf (for data collection)
  • InfluxDB (the principal component)
  • Chronograf (for visualization and interaction)
  • Kapacitor (for real-time analyzing)

InfluxDB provides high-performance query support using InfluxQL, its built-in query language designed to support diverse data transformations and analytical functions.

Features of InfluxDB

  • Time-Series Database: Built to manage time-series data, providing a powerful solution for processing and examining large data sets in real-time.
  • Scalable Data Storage and Retention: Designed to handle large data volumes across multiple nodes, with retention policies deciding how long data should be stored.
  • In-Built Tools: Integrates with popular tools like Grafana, Telegraf, and Python. It also supports multiple data formats, including Graphite, JSON, and OpenTSDB, making it compatible with diverse applications and tools.
  • Support for Real-Time Queries: InfluxDB is designed for quick queries, making it an excellent choice for real-time data analysis tasks.

Limitations of InfluxDB

  • Higher Memory Usage: This database uses more memory than other databases because it saves data in memory before flushing it to disk. This affects the performance and flexibility of large datasets with limited resources.
  • Constrained Data Model Adaptability: The design is tailored for time-series data, making it less suitable for diverse data types or complex queries that require data relationship analysis.
  • Scalability Challenges: Mainly built to handle time-series data, so scaling with heavy traffic situations or large datasets may require extra work and careful consideration.

Companies Using InfluxDB

Numerous prominent companies use InfluxDB, a trusted platform for time-series databases. Here is the list of some popular companies that are using InfluxDB:

  • Tesla is an American electric vehicle company known for its innovative electric cars, energy storage solutions, and solar products. It uses InfluxDB to track and study the massive amount of data produced by its electric cars, such as information from sensors, how well the vehicles are performing, and data from charging stations.
  • eBay is one of the most prominent e-commerce platforms millions of buyers and sellers use. InfluxDB enables the company to monitor the health of its online marketplace, including key metrics like user activity, transaction volume, and system performance.
  • Nest, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. (Google), is effectively analyzing data from its smart home devices, including thermostats, smoke detectors, and security cameras. This valuable information helps users gain insights and enhances the functionality of their smart home ecosystem.
  • Nvidia is a leading American company that is notable for its Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). It uses InfluxDB to track and study information from its GPUs and other hardware, such as performance, temperature, and power usage.
  • Shopify is a popular e-commerce website that uses InfluxDB to provide users with an effortless shopping experience by monitoring and analyzing growth and improving speed, inventory, and order processing time.

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is one of the most used open-source monitoring systems, developed by SoundCloud in 2012. It collects metric data from multiple sources and stores it in a time series database so that the user can efficiently retrieve and examine the data. Furthermore, to help its users perform large queries, Prometheus has created its powerful query language, PromQL. 

In 2016, Prometheus joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), a testament to its growing influence. It seamlessly integrates with other cloud native components, such as Kubernetes, enhancing its adaptability and utility.

Features of Prometheus

  • Multidimensional Data Model with Time Series Data: Prometheus provides users with a multidimensional space, which means flexibility in using time series. It allows flexible and precise querying.
  • Flexible Query Language: Prometheus provides its users with a flexible query language, PromQL, which further facilitates data filtering. It stores all its data in a timestamp for easy monitoring.
  • Automatic Service Discovery and Scraping: Prometheus offers various ways to automatically discover services without manual configuration, such as Kubernetes, EC2, etc. It also allows the central server to scrape data from other Prometheus servers.
  • Built-in Mechanisms for High Availability: To make the environment more resilient, Prometheus provides built-in functions such as storage, alerting, data collection, visualization, and storage, which helps ensure easy monitoring, analyzing, and handling of system metrics.

Limitations of Prometheus

  • Long-Term Storage: It is optimized for real-time monitoring and alerting. So, it has to rely on external storage sources for long-term storage and querying.
  • Operational Complexity At Scale: Prometheus is a single-node server that can slow down the system when handling too many metrics. Also, horizontal scaling is limited, so users must rely on other tools like Thanos or Cortex for better storage and querying.
  • Limited Data Manipulation: Prometheus primarily focuses on real-time monitoring, so it can only alter data in a limited way. It lacks advanced data transformations, flexible retention policies, and easy data export.

Companies Using Prometheus

  • SoundCloud is a popular audio streaming platform that uses Prometheus to monitor its infrastructure and services.
  • Uber, a taxi service and food delivery platform, uses Prometheus to monitor its systems and services and provide customers with a safe and reliable option worldwide.
  • Airbnb, the online hospitality platform, incorporates Prometheus into its monitoring stack to gain insights into its systems and services.
  • DigitalOcean, a cloud service provider, uses Prometheus to monitor its cloud platform, ensuring reliability and performance for its customers.
  • Siemens is a global technology conglomerate that uses Prometheus to monitor its industrial automation and control systems.

When to Use Prometheus

  • Monitoring in Cloud-Native Environments: Prometheus is specifically designed to monitor applications and services in cloud-native environments, such as containerized platforms like Kubernetes.
  • Alerting: Prometheus has built-in alert support based on metric thresholds and altermanager. 
  • Short-term Data Retention: Prometheus retains short—to medium-term data. Therefore, it is unsuitable for long-term storage.

InfluxDB vs Prometheus: The Complete Comparison

In the following comparison table, you will get brief differences between InfluxDB and Prometheus:





Telegraf (plugins for various data sources)

Major exporters, native integration with cloud-native tools


Custom-built storage engine, multi-tenant support

Custom-built time-series database, single-node architecture

Data Collection

Telegraf, HTTP, UDP, client libraries

Pull-based model, HTTP scraping, exporters

Query Language



Data Storage

High write throughput, long-term storage

Dependent on external storage,r optimized for reliability


Horizontal scaling of large data

Single-node, scalability via federation and external tools like Thanos/Cortex


Kapacitor for alerting and data processing

Alertmanager for alerting and notifications


Chronograf (built-in), Grafana integration

Grafana integration

Retention Policies

Flexible data retention policies

Configurable retention periods, basic downsampling

Community Support

Active forums, Slack, GitHub, InfluxDays events

Mailing lists, Slack, IRC, PromCon, GitHub

Open Source Contributions

GitHub, community plugins for Telegraf

GitHub, strong CNCF backing, extensive exporter ecosystem

Ease of Use

Comprehensive documentation, easy setup with Telegraf

Extensive documentation, simple setup for monitoring


Open-source core, InfluxDB Enterprise for additional features

Fully open-source, part of CNCF

Notable Users

IBM, Cisco, Tesla, SAP, Siemens

SoundCloud, DigitalOcean, Slack, GitLab, Uber

Your choice between InfluxDB and Prometheus will be influenced by your infrastructure’s specific use cases, requirements, and setup. So here is the competitive analysis between these time-series databases:

1. System Architecture and Data Management

Influx is designed with custom-built storage to optimize time-series data. It has its query language, InfluxQL. It allows you to organize your data into a flexible data model. InfluxDB uses Telegraf, a server agent that collects and reports metrics through plugins.

On the other hand, Prometheus operates on a single-node structure, making it more rigid. Leveraging PromQL as its query language, it features a custom time-series database designed to handle larger data sets efficiently. It concentrates on gathering data from instrumented apps, which makes it ideal for monitoring and sending alerts.

2. Ecosystems and Community Support

InfluxDB has a rich ecosystem with tools and frameworks, such as Grafana for visualization and Telegraf for data collection. InfluxDB has strong support forums with Slack channels, comprehensive documentation, and official forums.

Prometheus has a well-established ecosystem embraced within the Kubernetes ecosystem with extensive integrations, exporters, and alerting capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with Grafana. Prometheus has active community forums providing extensive documentation, mailing lists, Slack, and IRC channels.

3. Use Cases

InfluxDB is ideal for real-time analytics, DevOps monitoring, IoT data storage, and complex event processing needs. Meanwhile, Prometheus is well-suited for monitoring and alerting in cloud-native environments, containerized applications, and microservices architectures.

InfluxDB vs Prometheus: Conclusion

We compared two well-known time-based databases, InfluxDB and Prometheus, in detail. We explored their unique features and highlighted their differences. InfluxDB is the ideal choice for managing complex and massive data series over an extended period. In contrast, Prometheus is a specialized tool dedicated to real-time monitoring and rapid data alteration.

Ultimately, choosing between InfluxDB and Prometheus depends on your specific requirements, the kind of data you’re dealing with, and the scale of your monitoring environment.

InfluxDB vs Prometheus: FAQs

Why is Prometheus better than InfluxDB?

Prometheus is better than InfluxDB because it has a big community support.

What is the drawback of Prometheus?

Prometheus is very resource-intensive in terms of processing power, which requires a lot of resource management.

What is the advantage of InfluxDB?

InfluxDB is optimized for faster processes like application metrics, real-time analytics, and operations monitoring.