Infosys Certification Exam Experience | INFYTQ for 2020-Freshers

Hi, I am Abhishek Bagate from MGMS College of Engineering Nanded. 


About Infytq 

The Infosys Certification program is an examination to test your industry readiness by determining your knowledge in Programming and Databases. What you get by clearing the assessment is a certification that you can flaunt as well as a chance to get interviewed at Infosys on the same day!

If you are wondering what it takes, here’s what:


  • To register for the Infosys Certification, you must be a student of B.E., B. Tech, M.E., M. Tech, M.Sc., MCA or MCM, graduating in 2020.
  • You will need to score a minimum of 65% in the examination to get the Infosys Certification.
  • Students who score above 65% in the examination, will be eligible for an on-the-spot interview by Infosys!

My Experience 

I have registered the infytq exam on the 25 June 2019(Tuesday) on the Infytq platform provided by Infosys. I have studied consistently all the section of infytq (Python Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structure, DBMS) with devotion and dedication. Infosys provides a great platform to learn and improve our skillsets. I have taken the infytq exam on 14 August 2019 (Wednesday), at Aeronautical College in Hyderabad. 

Round 1:  

It was an online test with 2 hands-on coding problems and 20 MCQ’s (without negative marking) and the total time for the exam was 3 hr. The difficulty level of hands-on programming was intermediate. Mostly MCQ’s are asked on the DBMS and they are challenging enough. 

E.g. They will show you 3-4 line query and table and we have find out how rows will be fetched after the execution of that query. 

The hands-on section contains 60% weight to clear this section. 

Hands-on Coding Question I:- Even-Odd Series 

Given a string and it contains the digits as well as non-digits. We have to find the count of non-digits. If it is odd then remove all the non-digits and print the string as in even-odd order. 

E.g. The given string is  */24#5%7&9*3@. We have to count the non-digit. It’s 7, odd. Then remove all the digits from the string and output will become (in a string) 254739. In the problem, we have only 2 even and 4 odd numbers then after the even number of completion print the remaining odd numbers. 

Hands-on Coding Question I:- Pronic Number 

Given a string in which random numbers are present and we have to find the product and the number(one is lesser and one is greater) who already present in the string. Confusing,  Let’s see the example: 

E.g. Given a string contains 1203456. The multiplication of 3 and 4(one is lesser and one is greater) product become 12 and it’s present in the string. Like 4 and 5(one is lesser and one is greater) the product is 20 and it’s present in the string and so on. In such a way, We have to find all the numbers and in the output just we have to store the only product in the list like[ ’12’, ’20’]. 

If we haven’t found the product then print -1. 


Round 2: HR interview 

HR was a very cool person. Among 700 students only 10 are shortlisted for the HR interview. The following point he was asked: 

How was your Exam?: It was quite difficult but I work hard to execute the programs. And told him about my preparation. 

83.0% is it your first attempt?: Yes. It is my first attempt. 

Tell me about your role in the internship?: I have mentioned the internship in my resume and he just goes through it. 

Area of Interest: He just wants to know in which area we are interested to work. 

Then the usual questions are started like where you came from? What’s your night plan? etc. 

My interview lasted for 10 – 12 minutes. 



To crack the infytq you need to improve your coding as well as the DBMS concept very deeply and practically.