Infosys HackwithInfy Interview Experience for Specialist Engineer

Infosys conducted two hiring programs namely HackwithInfy and Infytq. People can participate in any one of them. I participated in HackwithInfy. Students/Professionals willing to participate can register at their respective portals.

Infosys conducts these rounds once every year. Registration begins at least one month before the exam.

Round 1: There were 3 Easy, Medium, and Hard level Programming based questions to be solved in about 180 minutes. I was able to solve 1 question completely and 2 questions partially (2nd question 31% and 3rd question 6%). No two participants get the same set of all three questions, but there can be common questions.

It is a fully proctored exam in which your webcam will capture your movement and in case of disturbance it will generate a warning.
Getting selected as DSE or SP (Specialist programmer) depends on the difficulty of the questions and the number of questions you have answered. If questions are hard, like there are chances when you can get 1 medium-level question and 2 hard-level questions in which if you will solve at least 1 question you will get a chance for PPI(Pre-placement interview)  as DSE, and if you will solve 2 or above then you will get chance for SP.

Round 2: This was a technical interview round for Digital Specialist Engineer based on my performance in 1st round. It was conducted via Zoom meeting.

The interviewer asked you to introduce yourself only  related to technical stuff like your projects, internship, coding proficiency
Then he asked to give me a live example of DSA implementation. I told him dictionary on the phone, Google Maps, etc but he wanted to listen to real-world examples which are not related to coding such as people forming queues, and stacks of books.
Then he asked for BFS and DFS implementation codes. I was nervous so I replied sir I can explain to you how BFS and DFS work. He agreed on that and I explained it’s working.
He asked me to select a global maximum number from 2 arrays.

I told him sir we can solve this by linear search methods in which we will keep a variable max which will be having a maximum value of the 1st array by searching the 1st array linearly. The same linear search for other arrays and we will keep the same max variable and finally, at least we will be having maximum global number from both arrays.
He asked me to count the frequency of numbers in an array.

I told him that we can achieve it by using a map and keeping 1st position of the map as the number and 2nd position of the map as the frequency of that number
After DSA he started asking me computer fundamental questions about SQL, Operating systems, Networking, and Database Management system.

SQL what are joints?
Operating system:  what are kernels in the Operating system?
Networking: Name some of the internet protocols.
Database Management System: Difference between 2Tier and 3Tier architecture.

I answered them all and he ended my interview as he was satisfied with my answers usually interview happens for 45min but in my case, it was of 35min, and after 1 month I got my result.

Feedback from the interviewer: You need to improve more in DSA because I was unable to code DFS and BFS due to nervousness at the start but after that, I answered all the other questions.

Verdicts:- Got selected for Digital Specialist Engineer Role.