Infosys Interview Experience 2023

I have 3 years of experience in software development i.e., python, Django, SQL, AWS cloud, pandas, NumPy, react, HTML, CSS, react, docker, git, and project management, etc. Recently I was placed at Infosys as a technology analyst. here I will bring all the experience that I faced during the interview and onboarding process.

Step1: Interview scheduling Process

I’m getting a call from Infosys HR, she is asking me about my skills and experience. After getting all the details she told me to process my profile to management if it’s shortlisted then she will contact me. After a few days, I get to call back, you’re resume has been shortlisted please let me know the available time for the interview. After 2 to 3 days, I receive my Scheduling date and time.

Step2: Technical Interview Process Level1

In The Technical Round, the Interviewer asked me to Introduce myself, my project, my experience, and my education. After This, he is asking about some technical Questions related to Python, Django, and SQL.

  • Why do we use Python instead of another programming language? Brief me about its features.
  • Is Python an interpreted Language, or a Compiled language?
  • write a program to sort the array.
  • Create data frame in Python.
  • Fetch the column from the data frame.
  • What is a lambda function in python?
  • Define a map, reduce, and filter.

After Clearing the Level 1 Round, I had my second technical interview in the coming managerial round. First Interviewer ask some python OOP, data structure-related question, I.e.,

  • What are class and objects? Define a class and access through the method.
  • Define multiple inheritances in python.
  • Define constructor in python.

After This question, the managerial round started the interview ask me

  • Why you’re looking for a job change.
  • Tell me something about your projects.
  • Tell me a situation when you have pride in yourself and how you faced it.

Step4: HR Discussion

After clearing the level1 & level2 technical rounds, I had a call after 10–15 days from Infosys HR and she told me coagulations You’re selected for the position of technology analyst. After this, we had a salary discussion & she told please provide my personal details like my employment and Education over the mail that she shared with me and also upload documents on the recruitment portal.

Step5: Offer Release

I Receive an Offer from Infosys after almost 1 month. After accepting the offer letter I get mail from Infosys to upload documents on launchpad…..

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