Infosys Interview Experience for Operation Executive

The first interview or first job is always a memorable moment in everyone’s life, same with me. My first interview was for an Operation Executive role in Infosys. I was so nervous before my interview but well-prepared with some questions from ‘w3wiki‘. 

There was a total of 3 rounds and each round was eliminated.

Round 1: An online written aptitude test. Around 39 MCQs to be written in 100 min.   It consists following questions:

  • 15 MCQs of reasoning ability,
  • 10 MCQs from mathematical ability,
  • 20 MCQs from verbal, 
  • 4 MCQs were puzzles.

I was able to clear the first round and got qualified for the interview.

Round 2:Technical Interview: The whole interview process is done virtually. It started with a self-introduction for both of us. Then he asked me around 10-12 technical questions by reviewing my resume. These questions were like this :

  •  Explain the OOP concept.
  •  What is inheritance and real-life example.
  •  Explain Memory allocation.
  •  List of header files in C language.
  •  Difference between Call by value and call by reference.

I gave all answers with confidence and he was impressed .then he asked me to explain my project. then I gave a presentation on the project ‘Face Detection Using OpenCV and Python ‘ & explained how it works. 

  • Then he asked what difficulties or bugs did I find doing this project?

Well, I was not prepared for this question. I remain silent for some minute then he repeated his question.
I gave some answers like a syntax error in coding. I became so nervous at that movement, I lost my confidence. Before ending the interview, he told me not to get confused. 
I lost all hope for selecting the next round. but after someday, I received another mail for an HR interview.
For this round, I made preparation very well and also practiced some HR questions.

Round 3: HR Interview: This interview is also done virtually and he asked me some HR questions Like Why our company, Life goal, strength /weakness, etc. In short, he checked my ability to work in a team and how I am fit to work with his organization. And the interview ended.
Overall, it was a pleasant experience for me.

The lesson I Learned :

  • Never lose confidence in difficult questions.
  • Learn to say no instead of giving false answers. It can make a bad impact on the overall interview

After someday I received a mail from the company saying configuration and accepting offer letter. Yeah, I was really happy ?

Some Tips :

  • Be Confident in yourself
  • Look professional.
  • Don’t be shy to ask repeated questions.
  • Prepare Common Interview Questions.