Install Horizon Agent on a Linux Virtual Machine

Horizon Agent is an agent that can be installed in the guest OS for the target virtual machine or the system, the horizon agent allows the machine to be accessed and managed easily by the connection servers and also allows the system to be connected to the horizon agent using session protocol. there is not much documentation available which makes it difficult to know how we can install the horizon agent in a Linux virtual machine, this article covers all the steps the user needs to follow to install the horizon agent in a Linux virtual machine.

How to Install Horizon Agent on a Linux Virtual Machine?

In this section, we will explore the detailed steps to Install Horizon Agent on a Linux Virtual Machine. So, follow each step with proper command execution to install Horizon Agent on a Linux Virtual Machine without any error.

Step 1: Check Session Type

The Horizon agent works best on the x11 while other users have reported issues with the system, if possible make sure to use the x11 session for the Horizon agent, you can check the session by typing the following command:


Check Session Type.

Step 2: Download Horizon Agent

Go to the link and download the Horizon Agent on the system by clicking on the “Go To Downloads” button.

Download Horizon Agent.

Step 3: Initiate Download Process

Confirm the download process of the Horizon Agent file by clicking on the Download Button as shown in the below output screenshot.

Initiate Download Proces

Step 4: Open the Downloads Directory in the Terminal

Once the download is completed, open the terminal and visit the directory where the downloaded file is stored (by default it is in Downloads) by typing the cd command:

cd Downloads/

Open Downloads in Terminal

Step 5: Check for Bundle File

Once the downloads folder is opened, check whether the downloaded file is present or not, for this type the ls command in the terminal:

ls *.bundle

This will give output similar to this, which shows that the horizon client is present in the downloads directory.

Check for the Bundle File.

Step 6: Unpack and Install Bundle

Once the above step is completed, now unpack the bundle and begin the installation, for this run the following commands one by one:

ll *.bundle [bundle name with .bundle extension]
chmod +X [bundle name with .bundle extension]
ll *.bundle -rwxrwxr-x 1 oden 220M [bundle name with .bundle extension.]
sudo ./[bundle name with .bundle extension]

These commands can also be seen in the image output below:

Unpack and Install the Bundle

Step 7: Start the Installation Process

Once all of the commands above run successfully, a window will come on the screen simply click on the “Install” button.

Start Installation Process

Step 8: Wait for Installation

Once the install button is clicked wait for a few seconds until the installation completes, do not close this window or process when the installation is going on.

Wait for Installation

Step 9: Scan for System Compatibility

Once installation is completed it will ask for scanning to check the system compatibilities for the horizon client, so click on the scan button.

Scan for System Compatibility

Step 10: Close the Installer

Once the scanning is completed, a close button will be available in the software’s installer, click on the close button to close the scanning as it’s completed now.

Close the Installer

That’s it, the setup is now complete and the horizon agent is successfully installed on the system.

How to Create a Server in Horizon Agent?

Once the Horizon agent is installed in the system, adding a server becomes an important first step as well, let’s take a look at how to create a server in the Horizon agent:

Step 1: Add Server

Firstly, open the horizon agent by going to the start menu searching for the horizon agent, and clicking on the “Add Server” option.

Add Server

Step 2: Enter the Name of the Connection Server

Once the user clicks on the add server button another window prompts up that asks for the connection server name, here we can enter a name for the server:

Enter the Name of the Connection Server

Step 3: Click on Connect

After typing the name of the connection server click on the “connect” button to connect to the server.

Step 4: Server Created

Once the connect button is clicked it will automatically create the server which can be viewed easily from the VMware Horizon Agent:

Server Created

This is how Horizon Agent is installed in the Linux system and how a server is created for the use of Horizon Agent.

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FAQs on Installing Horizon Agent on a Linux Virtual Machine

What is Horizon Agent?

Horizon Agent is a software component installed on virtual machines that are part of VMware Horizon infrastructure. It enables features such as desktop and application virtualization, remote desktop access, and session management.

Which Linux distributions are supported for Horizon Agent installation?

VMware Horizon Agent supports various Linux distributions, including CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Ubuntu, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED). Refer to VMware’s official documentation for the specific versions and requirements.

How can I install Horizon Agent on a Linux VM?

The installation process may vary slightly depending on the Linux distribution. In general, you would download the Horizon Agent installer package from VMware’s website, run the installer with appropriate options and configurations, and follow the on-screen prompts for setup.

What are the prerequisites for installing Horizon Agent on Linux?

Before installing Horizon Agent, ensure that your Linux VM meets the hardware and software requirements specified by VMware. This includes having compatible Linux kernel versions, sufficient disk space, required dependencies, and network connectivity to Horizon infrastructure components.

Can I customize Horizon Agent installation options on Linux?

Yes, you can customize various aspects of the Horizon Agent installation, such as choosing components to install (e.g., USB redirection, virtual printing), specifying Horizon Connection Server details, configuring display protocol settings, and setting up additional features like Real-Time Audio-Video (RTAV) support.


In conclusion, Horizon Agent allows the machine to be managed by the Connection Servers and allows a Horizon Client to connect using the protocol session to the Horizon Agent, the horizon agent is used in Linux to allow the machines to be managed easily with the help of connection servers and also allows the horizon agent to connect using protocol session, it is used frequently because it provides centralized desktops and apps which gives strong security where no data resides on the device.