How to install SSL in Hostinger ?

Basically the full form of the SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. The Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol which is used for providing security to confidential data. This SSL provides privacy and secure connection between Client and Server. And It uses both asymmetric and symmetric encryption to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data-in-transit and the asymmetric encryption is used providing secure connection between Client and Server and The symmetric encryption used for exchange the data through secure connection. The SSL provides Security, Authentication, Reliability and Privacy.

The provide security, privacy, data integrity and Authentication SSL certificate is used in web application hosting. Basically This SSL protocol is develop by the Netscape in the year of 1995. It is encryption based Internet security protocol. Now I will explain how to install SSL in Hostinger. For this you have account in Hostinger and you need a website also with proper domain.

Primary Terminologies Related To SSL In Hostinger

  • SSL Certificate: It is a digital certificate And That authenticates the identity of a website and encrypts information sent to the Server using SSL Technology.
  • HTTPS: The Full form of HTTPS is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an extension of HTTP used for secure communication over a computer network like internet. Basically websites uses HTTPS encrypt the data transmitted between client and servers.
  • Certificate Signing Request: The Certificate Signing Request is a block of code encoded text that is generated on the server where the SSL certificate will be installed. And It contains information that will be included in the SSL Certificate such as the domain name, locality and country.
  • Private Key: A cryptographic key that is kept secret and used to decrypt data and encrypted data with the public key. It is generated along with the Certificate Signing Request and It is necessary for SSL certificate installation.

What Is Hostinger?

The Hostinger is one of the company in the tech world and also It is globally identified in web hosting company and also It provides hosting solutions. The Hostinger is established in 2004 and It provides lot of features like domain registration, shared hosting, virtual private servers, cloud hosting, and website building tools with some AI tools also. And also It provides different types of plans based on end user usage. And the Hostinger provides reliable performance and user friendly interface.

It can provide hosting for both business and individuals also. And Once you take any plan then It provides content management tools, word press, SSL certificate and email hosting. Hostinger is a popular choice for those looking for reliable and budget friendly web hosting solutions

What Is SSL?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. And It is one of the standard security protocol used to establish secure connection between client and Server. And It can support both symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. The SSL provides an encryption link between Server and Client and transfer data in secure channel. SSL is commonly used to secure sensitive data transmission, such as login credentials, personal information, and financial transactions, on websites. And It helps us to prevent unauthorized access.

Mostly the SSL certificate is issued by the Certificate Authorities ( CA ) and It contains information about the websites and related encryption keys and The certificates are essential for establishing trust between the Server and Client. I provide the SSL certificate image in this article you can observe this information in that certificate.

Note: Due to privacy and Security Some of the information are masked in the provided output images.

Installation Of SSL In Hostinger: A Step-By-Step Guide

Now we will explain how to install SSL certificate in Hostinger with proper steps with related output images. The SSL provides an encryption link between Server and Client and transfer data in secure channel. SSL is commonly used to secure sensitive data transmission, such as login credentials, personal information, and financial transactions, on websites. And It helps us to prevent unauthorized access.

Step 1: First Login into your Hostinger Account by using your login details.

Step 2: After successfully login into your Hostinger account. you see your Hostinger Dashboard with all details.

Step 3: Now go to websites open and Now list of available websites are visible to you. Now Select the required website and click on manage button.

Step 4: After click on manage button, Then you can see a search bar in left side corner and type SSL. Now you get SSL option and Click on It. Then Another web page opened.

Step 5: Now Click on SSL option then another web page is opened. Now List of available web sites are visible to you which don’t have SSL certificate. Now Select required website from drop down list and finally click on Install SSL button.

Step 6: Now It will take some to install SSL certificate for related website. Below I provide the image and The installation status also in installing status. You can observe this in below image.

Step 7: Once Installation is completed, The our Website read with SSL certificate and also the Installation status in Active status.

Step 8: Once SSL installation is completed, Then open the Website URL in your favorite web browser after this this there a two bar button on left top corner click on It. Now one pop up form is opened now you can observe the SSL information on that form.

Step 9: Now Click on Connection is Secure option, Then Another pop up form is opened and In that form entire information is available like SSL certificate information, Private and public key information, Issued To information, Issued By information, Validity Period information, Finger print information and other information is available.

Advantages Of SSL Installation In Hostinger

  • Data Encryption: The SSL certificate can provide encryption for data while transforming data between Server and Client. It can use public and private key for both encryption and decryption.
  • Secure Communication between Client and Server: When a Client send request to Server, Then SSL certificate verify the security configuration like resource access and other things.
  • Data privacy and Integrity: Due to encryption and Decryption by using Strong algorithms. No one can see our data and It provides data privacy to our data.
  • Authentication: The SSL provides Authentication and It verifies that a user is who means the administrator grant some rights to the users based on their roles.
  • Data Security: SSL certificate provides security while in network. When you transferring data through network. Lot of members are trying to steal our data. But in this case unable to steal our data.
  • Web Page encryption and decryption: Every web page is encrypted due to security reasons. When Client wants to connect with Server. The Sever accept the request in this time the server verify the user and based on user role resources are allocated.

Installation Of SSL In Hostinger – FAQ’s

What Is SSL Certificate?

The SSL Certificate a type of digital certificate and It contains information about website meta information like public and private keys.

What Is Hostinger?

The Hostinger is hosting company which provides hosting solutions like domain registration, Cloud storage and other features.

Who Issued The SSL Certificate?

The SSL certificate is Issued by the Certificate Authorities ( CA )

Which Type Of Encryption Algorithms Are Supported By The SSL?

SSL can support both symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption

What Are The Roles Of SSL In Web Hosting?

Data encryption, Data privacy, Integrity of Data, Prevent unauthorized access and others roles.