How to Install Sublime Editor on Debian

Sublime Text is a good program for writing code, markup, and text. The sublime text code editor has a very simple look and has many helpful features that make it great for developers and writers. If you are using the Debian 11 Linux system and you want to install the Sublime Text editor this is the guide that will help you how to do it step by step in a easy way.

Table of Content

  • What is a Sublime Text Editor?
  • Installation of Sublime Text Editor on Debian 11
    • Step 1: Update the System
    • Step 2: Install the GPG Key
    • Step 3: Add the Sublime Text Repository
    • Step 4: Update Your Package List Again
    • Step 5: Install Sublime Text Editor
    • Step 6: Start Sublime Text
  • Conclusion
  • Install Sublime on Debian 11 – FAQs
    • What is a Sublime Text editor?
    • Is Sublime Text editor free to use?
    • How do I install Sublime Text editor on Debian 11?
    • Can I install the Sublime Text using the graphical package manager?
    • Does Sublime Text have a command line interface?

What is a Sublime Text Editor?

Sublime Text Editor is a program that helps you write and edit text files and codes. It is a tool that coders and writers use to create and change their documents. Sublime Text has many helpful features that make it easy to work with different types of text, such as code or regular writing. It is a simple and user-friendly program that beginners can use it without any confusion.

Installation of Sublime Text Editor on Debian 11

Step 1: Update the System

Open the terminal and then update your package list to make sure that you have the latest packages installed in the system. To do that use the below command.

Command :

sudo apt update

Output :

Step 2: Install the GPG Key

Sublime Text packages are stored in a repository that has been crypto graphically signed to verify they are genuine. You need to install the GPG key that is used for this cryptographic signing. Do this by running the following command.

Command :

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Output :

Step 3: Add the Sublime Text Repository

After getting the special checking code, you need to add Sublime Text’s storage place to your system’s list of storage places for software. You can do this by using the following command.

Command :

echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list

Output :

Step 4: Update Your Package List Again

With Sublime Text’s storage place added, you need to update your list of available packages again to include the new software sources.

Command :

sudo apt update

Step 5: Install Sublime Text Editor

Now we are ready to get the Sublime Text code editor. Use the following command to install the sublime text editor.

Command :

sudo apt install sublime-text

Output :

Step 6: Start Sublime Text

After getting Sublime Text, you can begin using it through your terminal by typing the below command in the terminal.

Command :


Output :


To get the Sublime Text program on your computer, you first had to get a special checking code. Then you added Sublime Text’s storage place to your computer’s list. After that, you updated your list of available programs. Finally, you used a command to install Sublime Text, and another command to open and start using it.

Install Sublime on Debian 11 – FAQs

What is a Sublime Text editor?

Sublime Text editor is popular source code editor with the simple user interface and many features that enhance the productivity for the coders and writers.

Is Sublime Text editor free to use?

While Sublime Text is available for the free 7 day trial To continue using it after the free period you need to purchase the license which is little expensive.

How do I install Sublime Text editor on Debian 11?

The Sublime Text is not available in the default Debian repositories. But you can install it by adding the Sublime Text repository to the systems sources list and then installing the package using the apt package manager.

Can I install the Sublime Text using the graphical package manager?

You can install the Sublime Text using the graphical package manager like Synaptic and the GNOME Software after adding the Sublime Text repository to the systems sources list.

Does Sublime Text have a command line interface?

Yes The Sublime Text has the command line interface called the subl that you can use to open the files or directories from the terminal. This can be very useful for the developers who work with the command line.