Installing and Setting Up Hadoop in Pseudo-Distributed Mode in Windows 10

To Perform setting up and installing Hadoop in the pseudo-distributed mode in Windows 10 using the following steps given below as follows. Let’s discuss one by one.

Step 1: Download Binary Package :

Download the latest binary from the following site as follows.

For reference, you can check the file save to the folder as follows.


Step 2: Unzip the binary package

Open Git Bash, and change directory (cd) to the folder where you save the binary package and then unzip as follows.

$ cd C:\BigData
MINGW64: C:\BigData
$ tar -xvzf  hadoop-3.1.2.tar.gz

For my situation, the Hadoop twofold is extricated to C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2.  

Next, go to this GitHub Repo and download the receptacle organizer as a speed as demonstrated as follows. Concentrate the compress and duplicate all the documents present under the receptacle envelope to C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2\bin. Supplant the current records too. 

Step 3: Create folders for datanode and namenode :

  • Goto C:/BigData/hadoop-3.1.2 and make an organizer ‘information’. Inside the ‘information’ envelope make two organizers ‘datanode’ and ‘namenode’. Your documents on HDFS will dwell under the datanode envelope.

  • Set Hadoop Environment Variables
  • Hadoop requires the following environment variables to be set.
HADOOP_HOME=” C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2”
JAVA_HOME=<Root of your JDK installation>”
  • To set these variables, navigate to My Computer or This PC.
Right-click -> Properties -> Advanced System settings -> Environment variables. 
  • Click New to create a new environment variable.

  • In the event that you don’t have JAVA 1.8 introduced, at that point you’ll have to download and introduce it first. In the event that the JAVA_HOME climate variable is now set, at that point check whether the way has any spaces in it (ex: C:\Program Files\Java\… ). Spaces in the JAVA_HOME way will lead you to issues. There is a stunt to get around it. Supplant ‘Program Files ‘to ‘Progra~1’in the variable worth. Guarantee that the variant of Java is 1.8 and JAVA_HOME is highlighting JDK 1.8.

Step 4: To make Short Name of Java Home path

  • Set Hadoop Environment Variables
  • Edit PATH Environment Variable

  • Click on New and Add %JAVA_HOME%, %HADOOP_HOME%, %HADOOP_BIN%, %HADOOP_HOME%/sin to your PATH one by one.

  • Now we have set the environment variables, we need to validate them. Open a new Windows Command prompt and run an echo command on each variable to confirm they are assigned the desired values.
echo %PATH%
  • On the off chance that the factors are not instated yet, at that point it can likely be on the grounds that you are trying them in an old meeting. Ensure you have opened another order brief to test them.

Step 5: Configure Hadoop

Once environment variables are set up, we need to configure Hadoop by editing the following configuration files.


First, let’s configure the Hadoop environment file. Open C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2\etc\hadoop\hadoop-env.cmd and add below content at the bottom


Step 6: Edit hdfs-site.xml 

After editing core-site.xml, you need to set the replication factor and the location of namenode and datanodes. Open C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2\etc\hadoop\hdfs-site.xml and below content within <configuration> </configuration> tags.


Step 7: Edit core-site.xml

Now, configure Hadoop Core’s settings. Open C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2\etc\hadoop\core-site.xml and below content within <configuration> </configuration> tags.


Step 8: YARN configurations

Edit file yarn-site.xml      

Make sure the following entries are existing as follows.

<configuration> <property>
<value>mapreduce_shuffle</value> </property>

Step 9: Edit mapred-site.xml

At last, how about we arrange properties for the Map-Reduce system. Open C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2\etc\hadoop\mapred-site.xml and beneath content inside <configuration> </configuration> labels. In the event that you don’t see mapred-site.xml, at that point open mapred-site.xml.template record and rename it to mapred-site.xml

    <name></name>    <value>%USERNAME%</value>
    <name>yarn.apps.stagingDir</name>    <value>/user/%USERNAME%/staging</value>

Check if C:\BigData\hadoop-3.1.2\etc\hadoop\slaves file is present, if it’s not then created one and add localhost in it and save it.

Step 10: Format Name Node :

To organize the Name Node, open another Windows Command Prompt and run the beneath order. It might give you a few admonitions, disregard them.

  • hadoop namenode -format

                       Format Hadoop Name Node

Step 11: Launch Hadoop :

Open another Windows Command brief, make a point to run it as an Administrator to maintain a strategic distance from authorization mistakes. When opened, execute the beginning all.cmd order. Since we have added %HADOOP_HOME%\sbin to the PATH variable, you can run this order from any envelope. In the event that you haven’t done as such, at that point go to the %HADOOP_HOME%\sbin organizer and run the order.

You can check the given below screenshot for your reference 4 new windows will open and cmd terminals for 4 daemon processes like as follows. 

  • namenode
  • datanode
  • node manager
  • resource manager

Don’t close these windows, minimize them. Closing the windows will terminate the daemons. You can run them in the background if you don’t like to see these windows.

Step 12: Hadoop Web UI

In conclusion, how about we screen to perceive how are Hadoop daemons are getting along. Also you can utilize the Web UI for a wide range of authoritative and observing purposes. Open your program and begin.

Step 13: Resource Manager

Open localhost:8088 to open Resource Manager

Step 14: Node Manager

Open localhost:8042 to open Node Manager

Step 15: Name Node :

Open localhost:9870 to check out the health of Name Node

Step 16: Data Node :

Open localhost:9864 to check out Data Node