Installing Jenkins on Windows

Jenkins is primarily used for continuous integration and continuous delivery on a platform. It is a Java application that has multiple plugins for automating all components at an infrastructure level. These plugins are responsible for all the different functionalities of Jenkins.

Requirements to Install Jenkins on Windows

  • Operating System: Windows
  • JDK Version: JDK 8 – Java SE
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Disk space: 500MB

Jenkins Installation Steps Using Windows MSI Installer

Follow the below step to install Jenkins in your Windows operating system: To know how to build Jenkins ci/cd pipeline refer to the How to Make a CI-CD Pipeline in Jenkins?

Step 1: Go to “”

Step 2: Choose the Platform on which you are interested to install.

Step 3: For this we selected Windows, you can download either LTS or weekly releases. Click on Download for Windows 64-bit. File will download 

Step 4: Double-click on the file which is downloaded, this will lead to the below window. Click Next twice.

Step 5: Click next and give your name and mail details and click next

Step 6: Click on the Allow access button and Finish Button

Step 7: Click on Access Jenkins

Post-Installation Setup Wizard

After downloading you need to follow some steps to setup jenkins to processed further.

Step 1: Type the user name and password which had given earlier to open Jenkins

Step 2: Click install suggested plug-in and click continue 

Step 3: Click on save and finish

Step 4: Refresh the screen and you will login into Jenkins

6 Steps to Install Jenkins on Windows

1. Download Jenkins MSI installer

MSI stands for Microsoft Windows Installer which is used to install the softwares on windows systems. Mostly used to install large and complex packages. You can download latest version of MSI on jenkins website.

2. Install Java Development KIT(JDK)

Download the JDK 8 installer for Windows, choosing the 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your system configuration. Agree to the license agreement.

3. Set the Path for the Environmental Variable for JDK

Open Jenkins web interface go to jenkins left-hand sidebar and select the configure system select the environmental variables.Select the new variable section and set as following.

  • Variable: JAVA_HOME
  • Value: The path to the JDK installation directory. For example, on Windows, the default installation directory for JDK is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_311.

Click Add

4. Run Jenkins on Localhost 8080

Once the jenkins is get installed you need to access it from the browser by using the “localhost:8080”. Install all the recommended plugins when prompted by the dashboard.

5. Jenkins Server Interface

After acessing it from the internet by using local host know you can create your own project by clicking on the new item or new project where you can select the different kind types of projects you want like Freestyle project, Pipeline,Multi-configuration project and son on.

6. Build and Run a Job on Jenkins

After writing the pipeline is done click on save it will be directly redirected to the Dashboard of the project there we can use, the “Build Now” option to run the pipeline and check if it is successful or not, by using stage view or console output.

How To Install Jenkins On Windows Using Command Prompt?

Follow the steps mentioned bellow to install jenkins using command prompt.

Step 1: Download the jenkins WAR(Web application) file into the machine which you want to install the jenkins you achive that using following command.


Step 2: Create and the move the jenkins war file to that directory.

mkdir jenkins & mv jenkins.war jenkins

Step 3: Run the jenkins using the following command.

java -jar jenkins.war

FAQs On Installing Jenkins on Windows

1. How do I start Jenkins on Windows?

Follow the steps mentioned below to start the Jenkins server:

  1. Get the Services app open.
  2. Look for the “Jenkins” programme.
  3. Choose “Start” by performing a right-click on the “Jenkins” service.

2. Installing Jenkins In Docker

Pull the jenkins image from the DockerHub by using following command.

docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11

Run the image as an container by using the following command.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11

Access the Jenkins form the local host

3. How do I install Jenkins on Windows?

Follow the steps mentioned above step-by-step to install jenkins on the windows.