Why was Integrated Rural Development Programme launched?

The Integrated Rural Development Program was established to give the unemployed work options. In addition to giving low-income individuals the necessary subsidies, this program also enables them to raise their standard of living.

The Indian government introduced the Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) in 1978, and it was put into action in 1980. The program’s goal is to give underprivileged people options for work and skill development in order to improve their living circumstances. Offering those who were below the poverty line the necessary subsidies together with employment chances, the program is regarded as one of the best yojanas to address poverty-related issues.

Objective of IRDP

The Integrated Rural Development Program’s goal is to assist low-income households in improving their standard of living and to empower the underprivileged by fostering their overall development. By giving the program’s target groups useful resources and inputs, its goals are achieved. These families receive financial help from these assets, which may be in the primary, secondary, or tertiary sectors, in the form of government subsidies as well as loans or credit from financial organizations.

Integrated Rural Development Program participants

  • Farmers’ artisans
  • Labourers
  • Minority Farmers
  • schedules for castes and tribes
  • economically disadvantaged sections with a yearly income of under Rs. 11,000

Subsidies provided under IRDP

  • (25%) Small farmers
  • Farmworkers and subsistence farmers (33.33%)
  • Families of SC/ST individuals and those with disabilities (50%)

For SC/ST families and individuals with disabilities, the maximum subsidy amount has been set at Rs. 6,000; for non-DPAP and non-DDP locations, it is Rs. 4,000; and for DPAP and DDP localities, it is Rs. 5,000.

Women, individuals with disabilities, and SC/ST candidates from this group are all granted subsidies of 50%, 40%, and 3%, respectively. First preference is also given to members of this group who have been allocated the maximum amount of excess land, as well as to Green Card holders who qualify for family welfare programs and free bonded labour.

The Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) was a visionary initiative that sought to transform the lives of millions of rural Indians. By addressing the root causes of poverty and focusing on inclusive and integrated development, the program aimed to create a prosperous and self-reliant rural India. Over the years, the IRDP evolved into various other rural development programs and initiatives, each building on the foundation laid by its predecessor. While challenges persist, the spirit of empowering rural communities remains at the core of all rural development efforts in India. As the nation continues to progress, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of its rural population remains an essential aspect of building a strong and vibrant India.