Intellipaat Interview Experience

I want to share my first interview experience with you. It was for the BDE (Business Development Executive) profile.

  • I was asked a few questions that were based on convincing and communication skills.
  • We have been instructed to prepare those questions in advance. We have also given a preparatory session. In the preparatory session, we can ask our queries to them.
  • People over there asked their queries. Then at the end, I asked her, “Can I ask a few questions?”

She said, “Please! go ahead.” I asked my questions in a row.

For some people, it seemed to be like I was taking her interview. It was a great discussion between us (me and the meeting host). One benefit of it was, I got some connections from that meeting.

Coming onto the interview…

At first, When I joined the session, I wished them greetings of time! she wished me to. Then,

  • She asked me to introduce myself. I introduced myself.
  • If you’re from engg. background then why do you want to switch your career to marketing? I justified my reason.
  • She said take me as your customer and sell an online course to me. I stared at my pitch (a practice pitch is already given to us).
  • She said, “I looked for this course earlier but now I have no interest in this course.” I convinced her by telling her the benefits of that course.
  • She said Okay! Take me through some more benefits of this course. I described to her all the benefits of taking that course. Apart from that I also emphasized the benefits of taking that course from the specified company.
  • She asked, “what is the cost of this course?” I told her the cost. She said it is too expensive on your platform as compared to other websites.
  • Can you give me some discounts? I justified to her that our cost is reasonable.

Lastly, I greeted her. She was pleased in the end. I said, “It was a pleasant experience having a discussion with you”. I wished her a good day. She wished me the same. In the end, I felt a positive gesture from her side.


  • Be confident of whatever you’re saying.
  • Be positive at the time of your interview.
  • If you seem to be interactive, it adds good value.
  • English should not seem to be enforced on you. It should look spontaneous.
  • Keep a decent smile on your face:)