Introduction to MathJS

Math.js is a powerful JavaScript library designed to make mathematical computations easier and more efficient for developers. It offers a comprehensive suite of mathematical functions and utilities, making it an invaluable tool for handling complex calculations in various applications.

Reasons to Learn Math.js

  • Versatility: Math.js provides a wide range of mathematical functions, from basic arithmetic operations to advanced calculus and statistical analysis, making it suitable for a diverse set of projects.
  • Simplicity: Its easy-to-understand syntax and flexible expression parser make complex mathematical expressions more manageable, even for beginners.
  • Efficiency: Math.js is optimized for performance, ensuring speedy execution of mathematical computations, which is crucial for real-time applications and large datasets.
  • Community Support: Being open-source, Math.js benefits from a vibrant community of developers who contribute to its development and offer support through forums and documentation.


Before running any code using Math.js, you need to install the Math.js library. You can do this by either downloading the library and linking it to your HTML file or by installing it via npm using the command:

npm install mathjs

How to Use Math.js?

Using Math.js is straightforward. You can include it in your project by either downloading the library and linking it to your HTML file or by installing it via npm. Once included, you can start using its functions directly in your JavaScript code.

Basic Arithmetic Operations

This approach allows you to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


math.add(a, b)
math.subtract(a, b)
math.multiply(a, b)
math.divide(a, b)

Example: To demonstrate performing addition using the Math.js library.

// Import the 
// math.js library
const math = require('mathjs');

// Perform addition 
// using math.js
const result = math.add(5, 3);



Complex Mathematical Functions

Math.js provides a wide range of complex mathematical functions such as trigonometric functions, logarithms, exponentials, and more.



Example: To demonsrtate finding the Square Root using the Math.js JavaScript library.

const math = require('mathjs');

const result = math.sqrt(25);



Matrix Operations

With Math.js, you can perform matrix operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and inversion.


math.add(matrix1, matrix2)
math.multiply(matrix1, matrix2)

Example: To demonsrtate multiplying matrices using Math.js using JavaScript library.

const math = require('mathjs');

const matrix1 = [
    [1, 2],
    [3, 4]

const matrix2 = [
    [5, 6],
    [7, 8]

const result = math
    .multiply(matrix1, matrix2);


[[19, 22], [43, 50]]

Custom Functions and Expressions

Math.js allows you to define custom functions and evaluate mathematical expressions dynamically.


math.compile('expression'), eval(scope)

Example: To demonstrate evaluating a Custom Expression using Math.js in JavaScript.

const math = require('mathjs');

const expression = math
    .compile('x^2 + 3 * x + 2');
const scope = { x: 5 };

const result = expression



Statistical Analysis

Math.js offers statistical functions for analyzing data sets, including mean, median, standard deviation, and more.



Example: To demonstrate calculating Mean and Standard Deviation using Math.js JavaScript library.

const math = require('mathjs');

const data = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30];

const mean = math
const stdDev = math

console.log(`Mean: ${mean}, Standard Deviation: ${stdDev}`);


Mean: 20, Standard Deviation: 7.905694150420948

Features of Math.js

  • Comprehensive Functionality: Math.js offers a wide range of mathematical functions, including trigonometry, algebra, calculus, and statistics.
  • Flexible Expression Parser: Its expression parser allows you to input mathematical expressions in a natural format, enhancing code readability.
  • Custom Functions: Math.js enables you to define custom functions and evaluate complex mathematical expressions dynamically.
  • Matrix Operations: It provides support for matrix operations such as addition, multiplication, and inversion, which are essential for many scientific and engineering applications.

Applications of Math.js

  • Scientific Computing: Math.js is widely used in scientific simulations, data analysis, and numerical computations.
  • Financial Modeling: It facilitates the implementation of financial models, risk analysis algorithms, and investment strategies.
  • Education: Math.js can be integrated into educational platforms to provide interactive math tutorials and exercises.
  • Web Development: It’s valuable for creating interactive visualizations, games, and other web applications that involve mathematical calculations.

Drawbacks of Math.js

  • Learning Curve: While Math.js is beginner-friendly, mastering its advanced features may require some learning.
  • Performance Overhead: Performing complex computations with Math.js may introduce some performance overhead compared to native JavaScript implementations.
  • Dependency Management: Projects using Math.js may need to manage dependencies carefully to avoid version conflicts or bloating the project size.