Introduction to UML Diagrams

To represent different perspective of software system different UML diagrams primarily based totally at the UML (Unified Modeling Language) are used. Each perspective focuses on some specific aspect and ignores the rest. Some can also additionally ask, why construct several models from different perspectives—why not just construct one model that captures all perspectives? The answer of the question is that : If a single model is made to capture all the required perspectives, then it would be as complex as the original problem, and would be of little use. Once a system has been modelled from all the required perspectives, the constructed models can be refined to get the actual implementation of the system. It divides the whole software system into components and subcomponents.

The numerous perspectives  which can be captured with the aid of using the UML diagrams are as follows:

  • User’s view
  • Structural view
  • Behavioral view
  • Implementation view
  • Environmental view

Different types of diagrams and perspective supported in UML

These are explained as following below.

  1. Users’ view :
    User’s view defines numerous functionalities of the device this is to be had to its user. This view captures the view of the system in terms of the functionalities offered by the system to its users. This view is just like the black box in which the various details of the system like interior structure, implementation etc is hidden from the user. It view is referred as central view because all other views have to conform to this view. It is indeed remarkable that even for object oriented development, we need a functional view. That is because, after all, a user considers a system as providing a set of functionalities.
  2. Structural view :
    From the name structural view, this view defines the structure of the problem. The structure of the problem can be defined on the basis of objects or classes which is very important to understand the working of the system and for its implementation. This view is also used to capture the relationships among objects or classes. This view is referred as the static model, reason behind it is that the structure of a system doesn’t change with time.
  3. Behavioural view :
    This view defines how  objects interact with each other, just to realize the system behaviour. It therefore constitutes is referred as dynamic model of the system, reason behind this is that it captures the time-dependent (dynamic) behaviour of the system.
  4. Implementation view :
    This view captures the various important components of the system and their inter-dependencies. For example the implementation view might show the GUI part, middleware, and database part as the different parts and also would capture their inter-dependencies.
  5. Environmental view :
    This view describes the implementation of the numerous additives on specific portions of hardware. For an smooth system, the utilization case model, class diagram, and one among the interaction diagrams could also be sufficient. For a system during which the objects undergo many state changes, a state chart diagram could also be necessary. For a system, which is implemented on an outsized number of hardware components, a deployment diagram could also be necessary. So, the sort of models to be constructed depends on the matter at hand.