Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) vs Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)

It is difficult to make Internet use secure in current situation, people are the among the most important aspect. The two kinds of network security instruments that are applied to protect against cyber threat dangers are Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) thus forming a comprehensive scheme of cyber safeguards. a key point is to admire IPS and IDS difference because they are the core of safeguarding procedures against cyber threats.

Primary Terminologies

  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS): Software that passively detects network traffic patterns, reports them to be suspicious, and inserts an administrative alert without killing the threat.
  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): Another security measure that detect events in real-time and blocks suspicious traffic from entering the network before it leads to system abuse.
  • Network Traffic: The data transfer referring for devices on a network, this implies message, file transfer, and requests.
  • Anomalies: A suspicious kind of network activity, unusual or irregular from traffic patterns, that may be a result of security concern.
  • Cyber Threats: On the other hand, the success in establishing network security can be attributed to the multidimensional nature of security vulnerabilities, including viruses, malware and unauthorized activities, intended for the networks.

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a hardware or software tool that watches network or system resources for unauthorized activities like illegal activity and policy violations. It functions by conduct passive scanning on the incoming network traffic and then compares it with the configured signatures or behavior pattern to highlight an any inconsistencies that may indicate a security breach. IDS generates alerts or records to inform admins but does not take any active measures to prevent the threats from happening.

Example: IDS does detection of traffic increases in the networks, during the non-burst times, and informs the administrators to see if this is a bad security attack.

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

An additional layer of security called Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) which is more advanced than IDS by detecting and preventing malicious activities immediately is also a security measure. The functioning of Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is based on the interception of the network traffic as it is flowing through the system, comparison of the known threats signatures with the abnormal activity, and the quick response to the threats by either blocking or neutralizing them before they can cause any harm to the network or systems. In contrast, IDS only warns, whiles IPS actively blocks malicious payloads.

Example: The IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) checking the signature in real-time will not let malware with the single signature for the whole network.


Briefly, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) do nothing other than detect and warn administrators about any abnormal network activity while Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) work in real-time and automatically stop malicious traffic. While IDS provides alert however it doesn’t resolve the issue, IPS takes proactive stance to mitigate the security breach. Whether it is an IDS or IPS or both is a factor of the risk tolerance, budget and the need for immediate threat response. These systems being complementary roles of a comprehensive cybersecurity plan.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) vs Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) – FAQs

What is the main difference between IDS and IPS?

IDS is reactive as it identifies threats and alerts them without blocking them while IPS is very proactive because it blocks malicious traffic in real-time.

Will an IDS impact network performance?

IDS can have an effect on performance by actively blocking threats as these processes will take resources for analysis and blocking.

Can an IPS prevent all cyber threats?

However, IPS can block a part of the threats and protect against already known entities, but it must be noticed that IPS cannot catch zero day and advanced threats all the time.

Is it necessary to deploy both IDS and IPS?

It will depend on the organization’s requirements. Some will experience the greatest benefit if they have both, which is total protection, while others will just choose one based on their assessment of risk.

What are the key considerations when choosing between IDS and IPS?

Components comprise the organizations risk tolerance, funds, network complexity and the need for immediate threat response.