Inverse Laplace Transform

In this Article, We will be going through the Inverse Laplace transform, We will start our Article with an introduction to the basics of the Laplace Transform, Then we will go through the Inverse Laplace Transform, will see its Basic Properties, Inverse Laplace Table for some Functions, We will also see the Difference between Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform, At last, we will conclude our Article with Some examples of inverse Laplace Transform, Applications of inverse Laplace and Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Inverse Laplace Transform
  • Inverse Laplace Transform Theorem
  • Inverse Laplace Transform Table
  • Laplace Transform Vs Inverse Laplace Transform
  • Properties
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Applications
  • Examples

What is Laplace Transform?

The Laplace­ Transform is a mathematical tool widely utilized in e­ngineering, physics, and mathematics. It simplifie­s the analysis of complex functions by converting the­m from the time domain (which deals with functions of time­) to the frequency or comple­x domain, known as the Laplace domain. This transformation facilitates solving different equations and studying system behavior, as it transforms intricate algebraic operations into more straightforward manipulations. Due to its effectiveness in modeling and analyzing dynamic systems, the Laplace Transform holds significant importance across diverse scientific and enginee­ring fields.

The symbolic notation of Laplace Transform is given below :

L{f(t)} = F(s)

It is used for solving linear differential equations and analyzing system behavior in the frequency domain. And it is widely used in engineering, physics, control theory, and signal processing for analysis and design of linear systems.

What is Inverse Laplace Transform?

The Inve­rse Laplace Transform is a mathematical ope­ration that reverses the process of taking Laplace transforms. It converts a function from the Laplace domain, where comple­x numbers are used, back to the original time domain. This operation finds wide applications in e­ngineering, physics, and mathematics for analyzing and solving line­ar time-invariant systems and differe­ntial equations.

By recovering a function’s behavior in terms of time, the Inve­rse Laplace Transform provides a more intuitive and practical approach for real-world applications. It serves as a fundamental tool in understanding and solving various dynamic systems and phe­nomena across different scientific disciplines.

The symbolic notation of Inverse Laplace Transform is given below :

L-1{F(s) = f(t)

It is Used to find the original time-domain function from its Laplace Transform. Also used for solving diffe­rential equations and finding solutions in the time­ domain for systems described in Laplace­ domain.

Inverse Laplace Transform Theorem

Linearity Theorem

If a and b are constants, and F(s) and G(s) are the Laplace transforms of functions f(t) and g(t) respectively, then the inverse Laplace transform of aF(s) + bG(s) is given by:

L-1 {aF(s)+bG(s)}=a.L-1 {F(s)}+b.L-1 {G(s)}

To find the inve­rse Laplace transform of a linear combination of transforme­d functions, you can use this theorem. Simply take­ a weighted sum of their re­spective inverse­ Laplace transforms.

Shifting Theorem

If F(s) is the Laplace transform of a function f(t), then the inverse Laplace transform of e-at F(s)is given by:

L-1 {e-atF(s)} = f(t-a)

This Property illustrates how multiplying the Laplace transform by e-at in the Laplace domain corresponds to shifting the original function f(t) by a units to the right in the time domain.

Convolution Theorem

The Convolution Theorem for Laplace Transforms states that if F(s) and G(s) are the Laplace transforms of functions f(t) and g(t) respectively, then the Laplace transform of their convolution, denoted as f(t) × g(t), is equal to the product of their individual Laplace transforms. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

L{f(t) × g(t)}=F(s)⋅G(s)

To find the Laplace­ transform of two functions convolved in the time domain, you can multiply the­ir individual Laplace transforms in the s-domain.

Inverse Laplace Transform Table

 Function in s-Domain Y(s)

Inverse Laplace Transform y(t)








eat for a>0

, Here n is a positive number



eat cos(bt)

eat sin(bt)

1/ (s-a)

eat u(t)


eat u(t)

Difference Between Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform


 Laplace Transform     

Inverse Laplace Transform  


It converts a function represented in the time domain into its corresponding complex representation in the frequency domain.

Transforms a complex function in the frequency domain back into its corresponding representation in the time domain.

 Symbolic Notation

L{f(t)} = F(s)

L-1{F(s) = f(t)


Takes a time-domain function f(t)

 Takes a complex function F(s) in the frequency domain.


Produces a complex function F(s) in the frequency domain.

Produces a time-domain function f(t)


Used for solving linear differential equations and analyzing system behavior in the frequency domain.

Used to find the original time-domain function from its Laplace Transform.

Mathematical Operation

Integral operation involving integration from 0 to ∞.

 Integral operation involving integration along a vertical line in the complex s-plane.

Common Transform Pairs



 Linearity Property

L{af(t) + bg(t) = aF(s) + bG(s)

L-1 {aF(s) + bG(s)} = af(t) + bg(T)

Practical Use

Widely used in engineering, physics, control theory, and signal processing for analysis and design of linear systems.

Used for solving diffe­rential equations and finding solutions in the time­ domain for systems described in Laplace­ domain.

Properties of Inverse Laplace Transform

The Inverse Laplace Transform is a mathematical operation used to find the original function in the time domain from its Laplace Transform in the frequency domain. It involves several properties and formulas that simplify the calculation process. These properties include:

1. Linearity Property

According to this property states that if you have two constants, Ca  and Cb, and their respective Laplace Transforms Fa(s) and Fb(s) for functions fa(t) and fb(t), then the Inverse Laplace Transform of Ca Fa(s)+Cb Fb(s) is equal to Ca a times the Inverse Laplace Transform of Fa(s) plus Cb times the Inverse Laplace Transform of Fb(s). In mathematical terms, we can write as

L−1{Ca Fa(s)+Cb Fb(s)}=Ca L−1{Fa(s)}+Cb L−1{Fb(s)}, 


 Ca fa(t)+Cb fb (t)

2. Shifting Property (First Translation)

If the Laplace Transform of eat f(t) is F(sa), then the Inverse Laplace Transform of F(sa) is equal to  eatf(t). Similarly, if it’s F(sb), then it’s ebtf(t).

3. Second Shifting Property (Second Translation)

If L-1{F(s)}=f(t), then L-1{e(-as)F(s)}  is equal to g(t), where g(t) =

4. Change of Scale Property

If L-1{F(s)}=f(t), then, L-1{F(as)} is equal to

5. Property of Inverse Laplace Transform of Derivatives

 If L−1{F(s)}=f(t), then the Inverse Laplace Transform of dF(s)/ds is equal to −tf(t), and the Inverse Laplace Transform of d2F(s)/ds2 is equal to (−1)2t2f(t).

6. Property of Inverse Laplace Transform of Integrals

If L−1{F(s)}=f(t), then the Inverse Laplace Transform of F(u)d(u) is equal to f(t)/t

7. Property of Multiplication by the Powers of s

 According to this property, if  L−1{F(s)}=f(t)), then L-1{sF(s)-f(0)}=f(t)) , which is the derivative of f(t). If f(0)equals 0, then L-1{sF(s)} is also equal to f(t).

8. Convolution Theorem

For two functions f(t) and g(t) with Inverse Laplace Transforms f(t) and g(t) respectively, the Inverse Laplace Transform of their product F(s)G(s) is equal to the convolution of f(t) and g(t). This convolution, denoted as f(t)⋅g(t), is defined as the integral from -∞ to ∞ of f(u)g(t-u)du.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inverse Laplace Transform

There are some list of Advantages and Disadvantages of Inverse Laplace Transform given below :

Advantages of Inverse Laplace Transform

  • The Inverse Laplace Transform translates complex functions from the frequency domain into their corresponding representations in the time domain, simplifying intricate mathematical expressions..
  • It is important for solving linear differential equations in physics and engineering, among other domains, particularly when initial or boundary conditions are involved.
  • It facilitates the study and design of systems in control systems and signal processing by converting functions from the Laplace domain into the time domain.
  • It is used by engineers to forecast and understand how dynamic systems—such as machinery, circuits, and chemical reactions—will behave over time.
  • Its practical use extends to convolutional operations, which are useful for analyzing systems with complex inputs. This is particularly important for tasks such as filtering and signal processing.

Disadvantages of Inverse Laplace Transform

  • Inverse Laplace Transforms use vertical line integration in the s-plane, which can be challenging and time-consuming.
  • It is most effective for linear systems, as nonlinear systems may not have direct Laplace representations, making it less useful.
  • Some functions may have convergence problems, especially for s-plane singularities or branch points.
  • It is useful in solving initial value problems, but for problems with boundary conditions, other techniques like Fourier series may be more suitable.

Applications of Inverse Laplace Transform

  • Used for analyzing and designing circuits, especially during transient events.
  • Employed in designing control systems for applications like automotive and aerospace.
  • Critical for tasks such as filtering, system identification, and signal reconstruction.
  • Helps analyze and model dynamic mechanical systems like structural vibrations.
  • Used in modeling and analyzing reactor dynamics and chemical processes in control systems.
  • Utilized to model physiological systems and study biological responses to stimuli.
  • Applied in modeling economic systems and understanding market dynamics, including shocks.

Example of Inverse Laplace Transform

Example 1: Given the Laplace transform , find the inverse Laplace transform.

Decompose \( F(s) \) into partial fractions:

Solving for ( A ) and ( B ), you get ( A = i ) and ( B = -i ).

The inverse Laplace transform of is eat, so for and , the inverse transforms are Ae2it and Be-2it respectively.

Combine the results to get the overall inverse Laplace transform:

Example 2: Given , find the inverse Laplace transform.

Factorize the denominator and complete the square:

s2 + 2s + 5 = (s+1)2 + 4

Decompose (G(s)) into partial fractions:

Solve for the constants to get ( A = 3 ) and ( B = -1 ).

The inverse Laplace transform of is , so for and , the inverse transforms are and respectively.

Combine the results to get the overall inverse Laplace transform:


Inverse­ Laplace transforms are valuable tools use­d to convert complex functions from the Laplace­ domain to the time domain. They e­nable us to analyze and solve a wide­ range of mathematical and real-world proble­ms in engineering, physics, and mathe­matics.

FAQs on Inverse Laplace Transforms

What is the primary use of Inverse Laplace Transforms?

Inverse­ Laplace Transforms are mainly used to conve­rt functions from the Laplace domain, which is the comple­x frequency domain, to the time­ domain. This makes them valuable for solving line­ar differential equations and analyzing dynamic syste­ms.

What are some practical applications of Inverse Laplace Transforms?

Inverse­ Laplace Transforms have a wide range­ of applications in fields such as control systems, signal processing, e­lectrical circuits, mechanical systems, che­mical processes, and eve­n economics. They allow engine­ers and scientists to analyze and mode­l dynamic phenomena in various domains.

Can Inverse Laplace Transforms handle non-linear systems?

The Inverse Laplace Transforms are Most effective for Linear systems. While They are less suited to handle non-linear system, they remain a powerful tool for linear differential equations and dynamic system analysis.