iQuadra Interview Experience for Software Developer (On-Campus)

Hello All, I want to share my interview experience at iQuadra for a Software Developer Position.

It consists of 2 Rounds:

Round 1: A.I Based Interview.

It consists of 2 sections:

  • Section 1: Personality Based
  • Section 2: Domain Based (Java / Python) on our choice while applying.

Round 2: One to One Interview (50 Mins – 1 Hour).

Starting with my self intro interviewer started asking questions based on my resume.

  • Why Java over Python?
  • Java frameworks and uses?
  • Questions on my Java backend project.
  • SQL vs NoSQL
  • Given a BST and asked to balance it and write pseudo code.
  • Asked for feedback on their A.I based the interview platform and asked me to draw and explain HLD for that kind of application.
  • Waterfall Model vs Agile
  • What is scrum?
  • Explained a project asked me to design the development phases of the project and asked what kind of Approach was better to complete the project.
  • Software Testing Techniques.
  • Given an Infix Notation and asked me to convert it into Postfix Notation using stack.
  • A real-time example of Abstraction.

Then the interviewer asked if I had any questions and I asked 3 questions about the company, Work environment, and day-to-day responsibilities. I am very satisfied with the way I faced the interview and answered all questions confidently.

Result: I got Selected.


Please be clear with what you have mentioned in your resume and about your projects. Don’t do projects for name sack, keep everything clear and know about it End – to – End. Please be prepared with some basic HLD and LLD while applying Product based companies.