“Irregardless” vs. “Regardless”: What’s the Difference?

Answer: “Irregardless” is considered nonstandard and informal while “regardless” is the correct term to express without regard or “in spite of” something.

The difference between “irregardless” and “regardless” lies in their usage and acceptance:

  1. “Regardless”:
    • Meaning: “Regardless” is a formal and correct term that means without regard or in spite of something.
    • Usage: It is widely accepted in standard English and is used to express a lack of consideration for a particular factor or condition.
    • Example: “She decided to go to the party regardless of the weather.”
  2. “Irregardless”:
    • Meaning: “Irregardless” is considered nonstandard and informal, often criticized for being a double negative formed by combining “ir-” and “regardless.”
    • Usage: While it has found its way into informal speech, it is generally not accepted in formal writing or standard English.
    • Example: “Irregardless of the time, we should finish the project.”

Key Difference:

  • “Regardless” is the correct and accepted term, whereas “irregardless” is nonstandard and informal, leading to criticisms of redundancy.