Is Data Science Hard to Learn?

In today’s era, the data is increasing day by day and the business analyze the data and apply machine learning and deep learning techniques to improve the growth of their business. Data Science involves collecting the data, analyzing the data, transforming the data, and extracting the information and insights from the data by applying machine learning and deep learning techniques to improve business growth. Data Science is a field of computer science that deals with statistics, arithmetic, computer science, and algorithms. The demand for data science is increasing day by day along with the data-based decision.

Is Data Science Hard to Learn?

Nowadays many computer experts want to become data scientists and have fear about, whether can they become data scientists and whether it is hard to learn data science. In this article we will see, Is Data Science Hard to Learn? and will take a deeper understanding of data science and also discuss some points to become a good data scientist.

Table of Content

  • Why to learn Data Science?
  • Coding is required for DataScience ?
  • How Long Does It Take To Become a Data Scientist?
  • Role of Data Science in Different Industries
  • Is Data Science a Difficult Major to Enter?
  • Can I Learn Data Science on My Own?
  • How Is It Hard to Get Into Data Science?
  • Skills Required to become a Data Scientist
  • Online Courses to Learn Data Science
  • Conclusion

Why to learn data science?

Many people ask what learning data science is worth so it depends on many factors such as interest (how you are passionate about the data), what are your career goals, and what are the demands of the industry to become a data science. Here are some points that tell worth learning data science:

  • High demand: There is a high demand for skilled professionals in data science in many industries such as tech, finance, healthcare, marketing, and many more. Many business industries and companies rely on data-driven decision-making, which can be helpful in the growth of the business.
  • Many Career opportunities: As data science is a growing field there is a high salary for a data science expert because of the specialized skills and there are many opportunities for the growth of the career.
  • Continuous Leaning: Data science is evolving rapidly with new tool, techniques and technologies. Stay up to day with the current technologies for data science.

Coding is required for DataScience ?

Data Scientist is responsible for collecting data from various sources, analyze the data, clean and transform the data for applying the machine learning and deep learning algorithm for extracting the patterns and information from the data. All this done with the help of programming languages such as Python, R etc. and data science code in these languages. Here are some common work that a data science do:

  • Data cleaning and preprocessing: Data Scientists work with raw data and clean and preprocess the data to make it useful. The cleaning and preprocessing task involves finding and removing the missing values, detecting and correcting the outliers.
  • Analyzing and Exploring the data: To analyze and explore the data, data science use programming languages such as Python and R. The write code to implement statistical analysis, calculating the summary and find the trends and patterns and extract the insight from the data.
  • Data visualizing: Sometime data can be messy and bulk in amount so it can be tough task to analyze the data manually so data scientists visualize the data with the help of Programming languages such as Python and R to make the data easily readable and interpretable.
  • Deployment of machine learning models: Data scientists are responsible for implementing machine learning algorithms on the data sets for predict the new data and also responsible for deploying machine learning algorithms.

How Long Does It Take To Become a Data Scientist?

It’s not easy to learn data science in a short period of time. Understanding all the concepts takes time to become a good data scientist. It take 6-12 months to become a data scientist and if you are from another background then it can take more time to become a data scientist. You should have to do daily practice and solve the problems daily to get good command in data science.

Role of Data Science in Different Industries

Data science is very helpful in every field or industries as all the things are automated day by day so data science plays a major role in different industries.

  • Data Science in Telicommunication: Data Science is used in telecommunication for optimizing network, customer churn prediction,improving customer service.
  • Data Science in Retail: Retailers use data science for custom segmentation , demand forcasting, inventory management, personalized marketing and improving customer service.
  • Data Science in agriculture: Data science plays a major role in agriculture to analyze the agricultural data to assist the agricultural businesses and help farmers in building risk management plans to reduce the effects of natural disaster, outbreaks of diseases.
  • Data Science in Healthcare: Data science in Healthcare plays a important role in industry that provides enhanced model and manages model in production by conforming that models are implemented efficiently and update that give a quick result in healthcare workflows.
  • Data Science in Finance: Data science in Finance plays a major role in analyzing the financial data and can be helpful in detecting fraudulent activities that is related to finance.

Is Data Science a Difficult Major to Enter?

As data science is growing field and many thinks that data science difficult. There is nothing difficult it only depends on the interest and how you are passionate about that and if you are passionate about learning the core concepts and algorithm of the data science then it easy to enter into the field of data science. There are many difficulties face by a beginner when he/she enters into the field of data science but if he/she follow a proper guidance and roadmap of the data science then the things and concepts became easy for him/her and can be easily become a data scientist.

Can I Learn Data Science on My Own?

As there is a lot to learn in data science and if you are willing to learn data science from your own then first of all you have to be consistent and dedicated toward data science. You should follow a proper guidance and a proper roadmap to become a data science. To learn data science from your own then you have a strong understanding about statistics and linear algebra and other mathematics essentials then you can learn data science from you own.

How Is It Hard to Get Into Data Science?

Since data science is about extracting and organizing the data into a particular format to predict the outcome and extracting the meaningful information from the data. There are many things that make it hard to get into data science and many more interesting things that makes it easy to get into data science. There are many concept in data science such as statistics, machine learning algorithms and deep learning algorithms that makes it hard to get into data science. There are many hard concepts in statistics that is difficult to understand and very important for data science. It very challenging to understand deep learning concepts that make it hard to get into data science. Again there is no hard thing to get into data science, it all depends you that how you are interested in understanding the concepts and how you are passionate towards the concept to learn in data science.

Skills Required to become a Data Scientist

There are lot of skills required to become a data scientist that includes both technical soft skills. Since data science is all about data and mathematics and programming. To become a successful data scientist on should have a proper knowledge about Programming languages, statistics and a good communication also need to be a successful data scientist. Here are some skills that are required to become a successful data scientist:

  • Technical skills: To become a successful data scientist you should have a lot of technical skills. You should have proper understanding of programming languages such as Python, R, SQL, good knowledge of mathematical concepts, and you also should have strong knowledge of statistical analysis and you should know about all the machine learning and deep learning algorithm in detail and also you should have a strong knowledge of data visualization.
  • Soft skills: Apart from technical skills one should also have a good soft skills such as good communication skills, also he/she should be good in decision making, can be collaborating, and have critical thinking and have a good understanding of problem solving.

Online Courses to Learn Data Science

The online course given below will help in making your journey of data science and data analytics easy and simple and also helpful in mastering all the data science concepts:

  • This data science course of w3wiki will help you to master all the concepts of data science and help you to get dive into the real-world projects of data science – w3wiki data science course
  • This data analytics course of w3wiki will help you to become a good data analyst and give you a clear understanding about the data science.w3wiki Data Analytics Course


Things are automated day by day and a lot of data is generated by the users and consumers. Many powerful leaders and business persons analyze this data to improve there their business growth so the demand of data scientist is increasing day by day and everyone is switching their profession to data science and many a times it is hard to become a data scientist but with the proper roadmap and guidance you can become a good data scientist.

Is Data Science Hard to Learn?- FAQ’s

Is there is a lots of mathematics in data science?

Data science is all about mathematics such as statistics, probability and linear algebra and if you want to be a good data scientist then you should have a strong knowledge of all these concepts.

Is data science is harder that other jobs in IT field?

If you know the core concepts of the data science than data science is easy and little bit medium job.

With a master’s in statistics, is it difficult to enter the field of data science?

Having a master’s degree in data science then you can become a data scientist easily.

Is career in data science is safe?

As lot of things are automating day by day and business persons are looking for the experts who is good in data science.