Is it legal to marry your first cousin in US ?

It depends on the State whether it is Legal to Marry your First Cousin in the US.

There’s no single federal law regarding cousin marriage in the United States. Each state determines its own laws on the matter.


  • 24 states prohibit first-cousin marriages outright.
  • 19 states allow first-cousin marriages without restrictions.
  • 7 states allow first-cousin marriage with conditions (e.g., requiring genetic counseling, or one partner being over a certain age).

Even if a first-cousin marriage occurs in a state where it’s legal, other states may not recognize its validity.

Reasons for states banning first-cousin marriages are

  • Potential Genetic Risks: Concerns exist about increased chances of recessive genetic disorders in offspring. However, studies suggest these risks, while greater than for unrelated couples, are still relatively low.
  • Social and Moral Taboos: Some societies view marriage between close relatives as inappropriate.

Even if legal in a particular state, there may be social and cultural views on cousin marriage that vary across the US. It’s worth considering these alongside the legal aspect.

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