Is it Legal to Own a Raccoon in Texas?

No, it is not legal to own a raccoon in Texas.

In Texas, it is illegal to own a raccoon as a pet. Raccoons are considered wild animals and fall under the jurisdiction of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) regulations. According to the TPWD Code, “No person may possess a live fur-bearing animal.Raccoons are classified as fur-bearing animals. Additionally, they are recognized as potential carriers of harmful diseases like rabies, making ownership an additional health risk.

  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Title 5, Subtitle B, Chapter 63 – Protection of Fish and Wildlife. This chapter sets out the legal framework for wildlife ownership and management.
  • Texas Administrative Code, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 65 – Wildlife. These regulations detail which species are restricted for private possession.

Exceptions to this rule:

Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitators: Individuals permitted to temporarily care for sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife.

Zoos and Educational Facilities: Institutions with specific permits for keeping and displaying wild animals

It is important to note that violating wildlife possession laws in Texas can result in fines and potential jail time. Even if it were technically legal, raccoons are not suitable as pets. They are wild animals with complex needs that cannot be met in a domestic setting. They can be destructive, may carry diseases like rabies, and can become aggressive as they mature.

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