Is it Legal to Record Phone Calls in US?

Yes, it is Legal to Record Phone Calls in the US.

The legality of recording phone calls in the United States varies depending on the state you’re in and federal law.

Federal law permits recording a phone call if at least one party to the conversation consents (18 U.S.C. § 2511 (2) (d)). You can be the consenting party.

State Laws: States fall into two categories:

  • One-Party Consent States: The majority of states allow recording if just one person involved in the call consents.
  • Two-Party (or All-Party) Consent States: Some states require all parties on the call to consent to the recording.

Even in one-party consent states, there may be restrictions on how you can use a recording. It’s always best to research your specific state’s laws and err on the side of caution by getting consent from everyone on the call.

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