Is Zero Positive or Negative?

Zero is neither positive nor negative, it is considered neutral.

Zero is the numerical representation of the absence or null value, situated at the origin on the number line, with neutrality in relation to positivity and negativity.

Zero is Positive or Negative

Among integers, zero is the point where the positive and negative directions meet, serving as the reference point on the number line.
The positive numbers are greater than zero, while negative numbers are less than zero.
When expressing zero in relation to positivity or negativity, it is aptly described as non-positive and non-negative.

Inequality Statements for Zero

Zero is non-positive (≤ 0), indicating it is less than or equal to positive numbers.

Zero is non-negative (≥ 0), denoting it is greater than or equal to negative numbers.

In summary, zero holds a unique position on the number line, acting as the central point from which positive and negative values extend, making it neither strictly positive nor negative.