ISRO | ISRO CS 2008 | Question 2

The circuit shown in the following figure realizes the function

(A) ( ( A + B )’ + C ) ( D’ E’ )
(B) ( ( A + B)’ + C)(D E’ )
(C) ( A + ( B + C )’) ( D’E )
(D) (A + B + C’ )( D’ E’)

Answer: (B)

Explanation: The expression can be simplified by using the DeMorgan’s theorem i.e. (A + B)’ = A’. B’ or ( A.B)’ = (A’ + B’)

(((A + B)' + C)' + ((D + E)')')'
((A + B)' + C) ((D + E)'
((A + B)' + C) (D' E')

Option (B) is correct.

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