IVTL Infoview Interview Experience – How I got selected! (BE – 2020 Batch)

Hi, Today I am going to share the interview experience, I had with the company – IVTL Info view. The interview was conducted on 21st August 2019. After lunch(around 1:00 pm)the HR of the company addressed us and gave a pre-placement talk about the company which happened for about 1 hour. After that, the Eligible candidates from CSE/IT/ECE/EEE branch -final year (around 200 students) from my college attended round 1 of the interview process.


Round 1:

The round 1 was an online test that comprised of 56 multiple-choice questions with the Time duration of 55 minutes. There were no negative marks for wrong answers. Actually we were informed by our college that the round 1 will have only aptitude and Technical questions but in reality, the questions were from

1. aptitude
2. java coding
3. C/C++ coding
4. 10th, 12th, subjects( e.g. : trigonometry )
5. chemistry
6. physics
7. Biology
8. Zoology
9. some General questions

We never expected these portions. The example questions were like

1. What is the acid used to digest our food?
2. Which is the first digital state of India?
3. The study of plants is known as ____?
4. Array Questions from Java
5. Boat, Time And Work Questions from Aptitude
6. When heated, Which element expands the most?
7. We had all kinds of questions from the above-mentioned topics.

Only 15 -18 questions were asked from technical and coding. I answered them correctly. I hadn’t prepared for other topics but I recalled and answered most of them. I think I answered correctly for nearly 35 questions. At the end of the exam, I was not sure whether I will get selected for the next round or not. After 4 hours, they announced the results through our college. Out of 200 students, only 37 students passed the online exam and I was one of them.

The next day 22 August 2019 was given to prepare for HR rounds. We are asked to come to another college to attend the remaining rounds on 23rd August 2019. We were informed to reach the college premises, around 11:00 a.m. They checked the attendance and documents for 15 minutes. The 37 students selected from round 1 were grouped into 5 different teams and were sent to 3 different panels. Each panel had 1 HR and the interview happened simultaneously for everyone. We were told that we will have three rounds that day. The first will be a General HR round, the second will be a Technical HR round and the final round will again be an HR round. (It did not happen in reality)

We prepared for General HR questions for round 2.

Round 2:

In Round 2, we were asked about so many things that we didn’t even know what type of HR round that was.
Some of the questions asked were:

1. tell me about yourself
2. tell me about your family
3. they gave aptitude questions and asked us to write the solution and explain that
4. they gave Puzzle questions and asked us to write a solution and explain that
5. Coding questions – the programs asked :
1) pattern printing
2) series printing
3) file concept – count the number of words in the file, calculate the size of the file and some more.
4) arrays, loops, data structures, etc

It took around 10 to 35 minutes for each candidate. After 2 hours, all the students completed the round 2. ( for me it was around 10 minutes and I answered most of the questions correctly and confidently)

After 15 minutes, the results were announced and Out of 37 students, only 14 got selected for the next round and I was one among them.

Round 3:

The Company announced that we will not have final round due to time constraint, that round 3 will be considered as our final round.

This gave a little pressure for the students since we did not know what they were going to ask and also since the beginning every round was different from what we expected. So you have to be prepared for the unexpected questions too.

The questions asked were similar to round 2, it had both general questions and technical questions. most of the questions were asked from the domain, area of interest projects and resume ( prepare for the things you put in your resume). And of course, coding played a major part in this round also.

The questions that were asked to me are:
1. Are you ok to work in any place ! is Trichy okay for you?
2. Write a program to print the pattern 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25
• Conditions: you should use only one loop
• you can use any programming language ( c, c++, java python)
• After a minute I wrote the program but HR asked for time and space complexity details and asked me to optimize my code so that the program could be executed faster.
• After 8-10 minutes. I tried out all the possible ways, finally, I was able to optimize the code.
• HR then asked me to explain my code line by line and justify each line. he also told me to test the program with different test cases.
• After 15 minutes I finally completed the coding parts successfully, I almost answered every question correctly and justified it with an example.
3. What is the tag used to create a drop-down list in Html
4. Then some general questions were also asked. Then he was looking at my resume and told me that you may leave now.
I thanked him for giving me that opportunity and left the room. Compared to other rounds, this round was a bit difficult. All the HRs were checking our self-confidence and how we think in difficult situations and how we give solutions for those problems.

The company said they will announce the selected students list after a week, so we all went home, on my way home I was little happy and confident that I will get selected, since I did well in all rounds, answered almost every question with an answer.

Results were announced Today which is 27-August-2019

A mail from the company came. I got placed ( Yeahhhhhhh ), along with 2 of my friends and from my college-overall 11 students were placed. I thanked all the people who supported me to get here.

The points to keep in mind:
1. No matter how good you are in subjects and technical part, if your attitude is not good enough, then you will always fail the interviews.
2. Your look is the first thing the HR will see about you when you enter the interview room, so have a proper dress code.
3. The next most important thing is the way you speak, even if you know the answer to the questions if you don’t speak or not speaking clearly it will be useless. And always speak in English ( one of my friends got rejected in that interview just because he was not able to speak at all, he entered the room and became so nervous and he couldn’t talk and get rejected ) we literally spent 15 years in education and this is the moment to get placed in a good company and speaking is the most difficult part for most students nowadays .So, always practice speaking since it is one of the crucial things to survive an interview.
4. Be punctual and have a proper resume and a file, always carry a pen and an A4 sheet. When a question was asked to you, tell an appropriate answer don’t lie or talk something irrelevant or things you don’t know, HR will easily find that out and it may seriously affect your scores.
5. Always have a smiling face, greet and thank them properly, never show your fear & nervousness to them, it will look like you are pathetic and not eligible for the job.

I hope this message helps someone, have a nice day guys…)