Java Applet | Digital Stopwatch

This article will provide an instance of creating one type of stopwatch with Java Applet, AWT and Thread.

We shall be using all these library to make a working model of a stopwatch. The GUI shall have 3 buttons for interaction, namely, start (to start the time), reset (to reset the time to default value) and stop (to stop the timer).

With the help of actionListener in Java we can learn which button is pressed when.

  1. When the start button is pressed, we start the timer. While the reset or the stop button isn’t pressed we shall keep the timer running i.e. we shall change the value of the timer (hh:mm:ss:ms) every 1 millisecond and update the screen.
  2. When reset button is pressed, we shall stop the timer and set it to is default value (00:00:00:000).
  3. When the stop button is pressed, we stop the timer with the value as it is.

Below is the implementation of Digital Stopwatch

// Java program to illustrate
// digital stop watch
// using Applets
// importing required packages
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public class w3wiki extends Applet implements Runnable, ActionListener {
// Panel to keep all the buttons and labels
    Panel p;
    Label display;
    // Button
    Button start, stop, reset;
    // Time
    int hour, minute, second, millisecond;
    // string to be displayed on the label
    String disp;
    // State of stopwatch on/off
    boolean on;
    // initialization
    public void init()
        // initially off
        on = false;
        p = new Panel();
        // Setting layout of the panel
        p.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 6, 10));
        // initial time 00 : 00 : 00 : 000
        hour = minute = second = millisecond = 0;
        // Label
        display = new Label();
        disp = "00 : 00 : 00 : 000";
        // Start button
        start = new Button("Start");
        start.addActionListener((ActionListener) this);
        // Reset button
        reset = new Button("Reset");
        reset.addActionListener((ActionListener) this);
        // Stop button
        stop = new Button("Stop");
        stop.addActionListener((ActionListener) this);
        // starting thread
        new Thread(this, "StopWatch").start();
    // Reset Function
    // reset to default value
    public void reset()
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {
        hour = minute = second = millisecond = 0;
    // update function
    // update the timer
    public void update()
        if (millisecond == 1000) {
            millisecond = 0;
            if (second == 60) {
                second = 0;
                if (minute == 60) {
                    minute = 0;
    // changing label
    public void changeLabel()
        // Properly formatting the display of the timer
        if (hour < 10)
            disp = "0" + hour + " : ";
            disp = hour + " : ";
        if (minute < 10)
            disp += "0" + minute + " : ";
            disp += minute + " : ";
        if (second < 10)
            disp += "0" + second + " : ";
            disp += second + " : ";
        if (millisecond < 10)
            disp += "00" + millisecond;
        else if (millisecond < 100)
            disp += "0" + millisecond;
            disp += millisecond;
    // function
    public void run()
        // while the stopwatch is on
        while (on) {
            try {
                // pause 1 millisecond
                // update the time
                // changeLabel
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // actionPerformed
    // To listen to the actions on the buttons
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        // start a thread when start button is clicked
        if (e.getSource() == start) {
            // stopwatch is on
            on = true;
            new Thread(this, "StopWatch").start();
        // reset
        if (e.getSource() == reset) {
            // stopwatch off
            on = false;
        if (e.getSource() == stop) {
            // stopwatch off
            on = false;

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