Java AWT CheckboxGroup

Java AWT CheckboxGroup is a class that is used to create checkboxes and group a set of checkbox buttons together. Many components in the CheckboxGroup separate, which serves as a means to group a set of checkboxes. In this clause, we will delve into the CheckboxGroup class, and its methods, and demo its usage through a very simple example.

Class Declaration of CheckboxGroup

The CheckboxGroup class is declared as follows:

public class CheckboxGroup extends Object implements Serializable

Here, it extends the Object class and implements the Serializable interface.

Class Constructors

The CheckboxGroup class has a single constructor:


This constructor creates a new instance of CheckboxGroup.

Class Methods in Java AWT CheckboxGroup



Checkbox getCurrent()

(Deprecated): As of JDK version 1.1, this method is deprecated and replaced by getSelectedCheckbox()

Checkbox getSelectedCheckbox()

Checkbox getSelectedCheckbox()

Checkbox getSelectedCheckbox()

(Deprecated): As of JDK version 1.1, this method is deprecated and replaced by setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox)

void setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox box)

Sets the currently selected checkbox in this group to be the specified checkbox.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of this checkbox group, including the value of its current selection.

Example of AWT CheckboxGroup with ItemListener


// Java Program to implement AWT 
// CheckboxGroup with ItemListener
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
// Driver Class
public class BeginnerCheckboxGroupDemo {
    // Components for the GUI
    private Frame mainFrame;
    private Label headerLabel;
    private Label statusLabel;
    private Panel controlPanel;
    // Constructor to set up the GUI
    public BeginnerCheckboxGroupDemo() {
    // Method to set up the basic structure of the GUI
    private void prepareGUI() {
        // Create the main frame
        mainFrame = new Frame("w3wiki AWT Examples");
        mainFrame.setSize(400, 400);
        mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));
        mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent) {
        // Create labels for header and status
        headerLabel = new Label();
        statusLabel = new Label();
        statusLabel.setSize(350, 100);
        // Create a panel for controls
        controlPanel = new Panel();
        controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        // Add components to the frame
    // Method to show the CheckboxGroup demo
    private void showCheckboxGroupDemo() {
        // Set the header label
        headerLabel.setText("Control in action: BeginnerCheckboxGroup");
        // Create a CheckboxGroup
        CheckboxGroup categoryGroup = new CheckboxGroup();
        // Create checkboxes with different names
        Checkbox chkJava = new Checkbox("Java", categoryGroup, true);
        Checkbox chkPython = new Checkbox("Python", categoryGroup, false);
        Checkbox chkCSharp = new Checkbox("C#", categoryGroup, false);
        // Add item listeners to each checkbox
        // Add checkboxes to the control panel
        // Display the frame
    // Method to create an ItemListener for a given category
    private ItemListener getCheckboxItemListener(final String categoryName) {
        // Return an ItemListener for the given category
        return new ItemListener() {
            public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
                    statusLabel.setText(categoryName + " Checkbox: checked");
                } else {
                    statusLabel.setText(categoryName + " Checkbox: unchecked");
    // Main method to create an instance and show the demo
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an instance of BeginnerCheckboxGroupDemo and show the demo
        BeginnerCheckboxGroupDemo checkboxGroupDemo = new BeginnerCheckboxGroupDemo();

