Java AWT | Dimension Class

Dimension class is a part of Java AWT. It contains the height and width of a component in an integer as well as double precision. The use of Dimension class is that many functions of Java AWT and Swing return dimension object.

Constructors of the Dimension class 

  1. Dimension() : It will create a new Object with height and width set to zero.
  2. Dimension(Dimension d) : It will create a new Object with same height and width as of the specified object.
  3. Dimension(int w, int h) : It will create a new object with specified height and width.


Methods of Dimension Class

Method Explanation
equals(Object o) checks whether the two dimension object are equal or not.
getHeight() returns the height of the dimension object
getWidth() returns the width of the dimension object
getSize() returns the size of dimension object.
hashCode() returns the hashcode for dimension.
setSize(Dimension d) set size of the object to specified dimension
setSize(double width, double height) set the height and width to specified double value
setSize(int width, int height) set the height and width to specified integer value

Below programs illustrate the Dimension Class

  • Program to show the functions of dimension class(Integer precision). 


// Java Program to show the functions
// of dimension class(Integer precision)
import java.awt.*;
class dimen {
    // Main Method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // create dimension
        Dimension d = new Dimension();
        Dimension d1 = new Dimension(20, 30);
        Dimension d2 = new Dimension(d1);
        // set height and width of dimension d
        d.setSize(30, 30);
        // equating dimensions
        System.out.println("Dimension d and d1 " +
                    "are equal = " + d.equals(d1));
        System.out.println("Dimension d and d1 " +
                "are equal = " + d1.equals(d2));
        // print hashcode
        System.out.println("Hashcode of Dimension " +
                            "d = " + d.hashCode());
        // display dimension
        display(d, "Dimension d");
        display(d1, "Dimension d1");
        display(d2, "Dimension d2");
    // display dimension
    public static void display(Dimension d, String s)
        System.out.println(s +" Height = " + d.getHeight() +
                                " Width= " + d.getWidth());


Dimension d and d1 are equal = false
Dimension d and d1 are equal = true
Hashcode of Dimension d = 1860
Dimension d Height = 30.0 Width= 30.0
Dimension d1 Height = 30.0 Width= 20.0
Dimension d2 Height = 30.0 Width= 20.0

Dimension d and d1 are equal = false
Dimension d and d1 are equal = true
Hashcode of Dimension d = 1860
Dimension d Height = 30.0 Width= 30.0
Dimension d1 Height = 30.0 Width= 20.0
Dimension d2 Height = 30.0 Width= 20.0


  • Program to show the functions of dimension class(Double precision). 


// Java Program to show the functions
// of dimension class(Double precision)
import java.awt.*;
class dimen {
    // Main Method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // create dimension
        Dimension d = new Dimension();
        Dimension d1 = new Dimension(20, 30);
        Dimension d2 = new Dimension(d1);
        // set height and width of dimension d
        d.setSize(30.3, 30.45);
        // equating dimensions
        System.out.println("Dimension d and d1" +
                "are equal = " + d.equals(d1));
        System.out.println("Dimension d and d1" +
                "are equal = " + d1.equals(d2));
        // print hashcode
        System.out.println("Hashcode of Dimension d = "
                                    + d.hashCode());
        // display dimension
        System.out.println("See the values are rounded" +
                        "off to ceiling in dimension d");
        display(d, "Dimension d");
        display(d1, "Dimension d1");
        display(d2, "Dimension d2");
    // display dimension
    public static void display(Dimension d, String s)
        System.out.println(s + " Height = " + d.getHeight()
                            + " Width = " + d.getWidth());


Dimension d and d1are equal = false
Dimension d and d1are equal = true
Hashcode of Dimension d = 1984
See the values are roundedoff to ceiling in dimension d
Dimension d Height = 31.0 Width = 31.0
Dimension d1 Height = 30.0 Width = 20.0
Dimension d2 Height = 30.0 Width = 20.0

Dimension d and d1are equal = false
Dimension d and d1are equal = true
Hashcode of Dimension d = 1984
See the values are roundedoff to ceiling in dimension d
Dimension d Height = 31.0 Width = 31.0
Dimension d1 Height = 30.0 Width = 20.0
Dimension d2 Height = 30.0 Width = 20.0

