Java Guava | mod(long x, long m) of LongMath Class with Examples

The mod(long x, long m) method of Guava’s LongMath Class accepts two parameters x and m, and used to calculate the value of x modulus under m.


public static long mod(long x, long m)

Parameters: This method accepts two parameters x and m which are of long type to calculate x modulo m.

Return Value: The method returns x mod m that will be a non-negative value less than m.

Exception: The method mod(long x, long m) throws ArithmeticException if m <= 0.

Below examples illustrate the mod(long x, long m) method:

Example 1 :

// Java code to show implementation of
// mod(long x, long m) method of Guava's
// LongMath class
import java.math.RoundingMode;
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        long x1 = -77;
        long m1 = 4;
        long ans1 = LongMath.mod(x1, m1);
        // Using mod(long x, long m)
        // method of Guava's LongMath class
        System.out.println(x1 + " mod "
                           + m1 + " is : " + ans1);
        long x2 = 22;
        long m2 = 6;
        long ans2 = LongMath.mod(x2, m2);
        // Using mod(long x, long m)
        // method of Guava's LongMath class
        System.out.println(x2 + " mod "
                           + m2 + " is : " + ans2);


-77 mod 4 is : 3
22 mod 6 is : 4

Example 2:

// Java code to show implementation of
// mod(long x, long m) method of Guava's
// LongMath class
import java.math.RoundingMode;
class GFG {
    static long findMod(long x, long m)
        try {
            // Using mod(long x, long m)
            // method of Guava's LongMath class
            // This should throw "ArithmeticException"
            // as m <= 0
            long ans = LongMath.mod(x, m);
            // Return the answer
            return ans;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        long x = 11;
        long m = -5;
        try {
            // Function calling
            findMod(x, m);
        catch (Exception e) {


java.lang.ArithmeticException: Modulus must be positive
