Class in Java

NetPermission class is used to allow network permissions. NetPermission class extends BasicPermission class. It is a “named” permission i.e it contains a name but no action.

Permission name What permission allows Risks associated with this permission
allowHttpTrace This permission allows using the HTTP TRACE method in HttpURLConnection Attackers may use HTTP TRACE to access security in the HTTP headers
getCookieHandler This permission allows getting the cookie handler that processes highly secure cookie information for this HTTP session Attackers may get a cookie handler and get access to highly secure cookie information
getNetworkInformation This permission allows getting information about local network interfaces Attackers may get information about local hardware 
getProxySelector This permission allows the proxy selector to select which proxies to use when making network connections Attackers may get a ProxySelector and get information about the proxy hosts and ports of  internal networks
getResponseCache  The permission allows accessing the local response cache Attackers may get access the local cache which may contain security information
requestPasswordAuthentication This permission grants the ability to ask the authenticator for a password Attackers may steal this password
setCookieHandler This permission allows setting the cookie handler that processes highly secure cookie information for this HTTP session Attackers may get a cookie handler and get access to highly secure cookie information
setDefaultAuthenticator This allows to set an authenticator Attackers may set an authenticator and get security information
setProxySelector  This permission allows the proxy selector to set which proxies to use when making network connections Attackers may set a ProxySelector and get information about the proxy hosts and ports of  internal networks
setResponseCache The permission allows setting the local response cache Attackers may get access the local cache which may contain security information
specifyStreamHandler  The permission allows specifying a StreamHandler to create URLs Attackers may create a URL and get access to resources to which they normally not have access

Syntax: Class declaration

public final class NetPermission
extends BasicPermission

Constructors of this class 

Constructor Description
NetPermission(String name) Used for creating a new NetPermission object with the given name
NetPermission(String name, String action) Used for creating a new NetPermission object with the given name and action

Methods inherited from class

Method Description
equals(Object obj) Checks whether the two BasicPermission objects are equal or not
getActions() Returns the actions in String format
hashCode() Returns the hash value for this object
implies(Permission permission) Checks whether the given permission is implied by this object or not
newPermissionCollection() Returns a new PermissionCollection object

Methods inherited from class

Method Description
checkGuard() Used to implement guard interface
getName() Returns name of this permission object
toString() Returns string representation of this permission object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone(), finalize(), getClass(), notify(), notifyAll(), wait(), wait(), wait()

Example 1:


// Java program to Create a New allow HttpTrace Permission
// Importing required network permission classes
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Creating a new allowHttpTrace permission
            Permission permission
                = new NetPermission("allowHttpTrace");
            // Printing the name of the permission using
            // getName() method
            // Printing the class of the permission using
            // getClass method
            // Printing the hash value of this permission
            // object using hashCode() method
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {
            // Print the line number where the exception occurred



Example 2:


// Java Program to Create a New getCookieHandler Permission
// Importing required network permission classes
// Main Class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Creating a new getCookieHandler permission
            Permission permission
                = new NetPermission("getCookieHandler");
            // Printing the name of the permission using
            // getName() method
            // Printing the class of the permission using
            // getClass method
            // Printing the hash value of this permission
            // object using hashCode() method
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {
            // Print the line number where exception occurred
            // using printStackTrace() method



Example 3:


// Java Program to Illustrate the Working of equals() Method
// Importing permission classes for networking
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Creating a new getNetworkInformation
            // permission
            Permission Permission1 = new NetPermission(
            // Creating a new getProxySelector permission
            Permission Permission2
                = new NetPermission("getProxySelector");
            // Checking if both the given permissions are
            // equal or not using equals() method
            if (Permission1.equals(Permission2)) {
                // Print statement
                    "Both permission are equal");
            // Statements differ
            else {
                // Print statement
                    "Both permission are not equal");
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {
            // Print the line number where the exception occurred


Both permission are not equal