JavaTuple toList() method

The toList() method in org.javatuples is used to convert the values in TupleClass into a List. This List is of Object type, so that it can take all values. It is inherited from the JavaTuple class. This method can be used to any tuple class object of javatuples library. It returns List formed with the values in the TupleClassObject.

Method Declaration:

public final List<Object> toList()


List<Object> list = TupleClassObject.toList()

Here TupleClassObject represents the JavaTuple Class object used like Unit, Quintet, Decade, etc.

Return Value: This method returns a List formed with the values in the TupleClassObject.

Below are programs that will illustrate the various ways to use toList() method:

Program 1: Using toList() with Unit class:

// Below is a Java program to use toList() method
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.Unit;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an Unit with one value
        Unit<String> unit = Unit.with("w3wiki");
        // Using toList() method with Object type
        List<Object> objList = unit.toList();
        // Printing the list



Program 2: Using toList() with Quartet class:

// Below is a Java program to use toList() method
import java.util.*;
import org.javatuples.Quartet;
class GfG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a quartet
        Quartet<Integer, String, String, Double> quartet
            = Quartet.with(Integer.valueOf(1),
                           "A computer portal",
        // Using toList() method with Object type
        List<Object> objList = quartet.toList();
        // Printing the list


[, w3wiki, A computer portal, 20.18]

Note: Similarly, it can be used with any other JavaTuple Class.