Java ZipEntry setComment() function with examples

The setComment() function is a part of package. The function sets the Comment of a specific ZipEntry to the specified string.
Maximum length of comment is 0xffff, if the length of the string is larger than 0xffff then first 0xffff characters will be considered.
Function Signature :

public void setComment(String s)

Syntax :


Parameters :The function accepts a String object as parameter.
Return value :The function does not return any value.
Exceptions :The function does not throw any exception.

Below programs illustrates the use of setComment() function

Example 1: We will create a file named zip_file and get the zip file entry using getEntry() function and then set the comment of the specified ZipEntry.”” is a zip file present in f: directory.

// Java program to demonstrate the
// use of setComment() function
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.*;
public class solution {
    public static void main(String args[])
        try {
            // Create a Zip File
            ZipFile zip_file = new ZipFile("f:\\");
            // get the Zip Entry using
            // the getEntry() function
            ZipEntry entry = zip_file.getEntry("");
            // get the Comment
            // using the getComment()
            // function
            entry.setComment("This is a ZipEntry comment");
            // get the Comment
            // using the getComment()
            // function
            String input = entry.getComment();
            // Display the comment
            System.out.println("Comment : " + input);
        catch (Exception e) {


Comment : This is a Zip Entry comment)
