JavaScript Higher Order Functions

In JavaScript, a higher-order function is a function that can accept other functions as arguments, return functions, or both. They enable abstraction, composition, and the creation of more flexible and reusable code.


function higherOrderFunction(callback) {
// Perform some operations
// Call the callback function
function callbackFunction() {
console.log("Callback function is executed.");
// Passing the callback function to the higher-order function


  • higherOrderFunction: Takes a callback function, executes it, and performs operations.
  • callback: A function passed as an argument, executed inside higherOrderFunction.
  • callbackFunction(): Logs “Callback function is executed.”
  • Invocation: Calls higherOrderFunction(callbackFunction), executing callbackFunction within higherOrderFunction.

Table of Content

  • Function as an Argument:
  • Functions as Return Values:

We will explore all the above methods along with their basic implementation with the help of examples.

Approach 1: Function as an Argument:

This approach involves passing a function (callback) as an argument to another function. The receiving function can then execute the callback, enabling flexible and customizable behavior in JavaScript programs.

Example: In this example, Two functions: greet accepts name and returns a greeting. greet_name combines greeting, message, and name, logging a customized message. Output: “Hi!! JavaScript Welcome To w3wiki.


function greet(name) {
    return `Hi!! ${name} `;
function greet_name(greeting, message, name) {
    console.log(`${greeting(name)} ${message}`);
greet_name(greet, 'Welcome To w3wiki', 'Beginner');


Hi!! Beginner  Welcome To w3wiki

Approach 2 : Functions as Return Values:

Higher-order functions can also return new functions. This is often used for creating specialized functions or closures. For instance, you can create a function factory that generates functions with specific behavior.

Example: In this example, `multiplier` is a higher-order function that takes a `factor` as an argument and returns a new function that multiplies any number by that factor. We then use `double` and `triple` to create specialized functions.


function multiplier(factor) {
    return function (x) {
        return x * factor;
const double = multiplier(2);
const triple = multiplier(3);
