JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

JavaScript libraries and frameworks make the life of a programmer easier by providing a plethora of built-in functions and methods. These tools enhance web development by saving time, making code more readable, and offering project structure and data flow organization, resulting in faster and more reliable applications.

JavaScript Libraries

A JavaScript library is a collection of classes, methods, and pre-written functions that developers can use in their web development projects. Libraries make code reusable and simplify the development process. They are also favored for their cross-browser compatibility, saving developers time and effort. Some popular JavaScript libraries include:

JavaScript Libraries





Introduced: August 26, 2006

Current: 3.7.1

  • A JavaScript library that is fast, small, and rich in features.
  • Helps in DOM manipulation and event handling in web applications.
  • Provides cross-browser compatibility and it simplifies the code.


Introduced: May 29, 2013

Current: 18.2.0

  • An open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces in a declarative and efficient way.
  • Component-based front-end library is responsible only for the view layer of an MVC architecture.
  • Creates simple views for each state in the application and efficiently updates and renders just the right component as your data changes.

React Reactstrap

Current: 9.2.1

  • A bootstrap-based React UI library used to make good-looking webpages.
  • Does not embed its own style, but it depends upon the Bootstrap CSS framework for its styles and theme.
  • Provides Bootstrap components and increases code reusability.

jQuery Mobile

Introduced: October 16, 2010

Current: 1.5.0

  • An HTML5-based user interface system designed to make responsive websites and apps.
  • Accessible on all smartphone, tablet, and desktop devices.
  • Creates responsive and Ajax-based user interface system.

React Suite

Current: 5.43.0

  • A popular front-end library with a set of React components that are designed for the middle platform and back-end products.
  • The input component allows the user to create a basic widget for getting the user input in a text field.
  • Provides customizable themes, accessibility support.

React Blueprint.js

Current: 5.7.0

  • A React-based UI toolkit for the web.
  • Very optimized and popular for building complexinterfaces.
  • Provides optimized data-dense web interfaces for desktop applications


Introduced: April 23, 2012

Current: 4.17.21

  • A JavaScript library that has large amout of functions.
  • It has built-in functions.
  • Provides Modularity and fast web application by the use of built-in functions.


Introduced: 2011

Current: 2.29.4

  • A JavaScript package that makes it simple to parse, validate, manipulate, and display date/time in JavaScript.
  • Allows you to display dates in a human-readable format based on your location. 
  • Used in a browser using the script approach.
  • Compatible with Node.js and can be installed via npm.


Introduced: 2011

Current: 7.8.5

  • A resource JavaScript library for managing documents based on data.
  • One of the most effective framework to work on data visualization.
  • Provide applications that has DOM manipulation, Transition, animatioin, large dataset


Current: 1.9.0

  • A JavaScript library for creative coding, with attention to making code accessible and inclusive for artists.
  • Provides such appliations which can be run on any web browser.


Introduced: October 28, 2009

Current: 1.13.6

  • Lightweight JavaScript library and not a complete framework that was written by Jeremy Ashkenas.
  • Provides utility functions for a variety of use.
  • Provides JavaScript templating, function binding, deep equality testing, creating quick indexes, and many more. 


Introduced: November 9, 2015

Current: 4.13.0

  • A JavaScript library for training and deploying machine learning models on web applications and in Node.js.
  • Develop the machine learning models from scratch or can use the APIs provided to train your existing models in the browser or on your Node.js server.


Introduced: July 18, 2010

Current: 5.0.0

  • An open-source JavaScript canvas library, that provides the interactive object model built on top of the canvas element.
  • Also an SVG-to-canvas & canvas-to-SVG parser. It was made by Juriy Zaytsev and was first launched in 2010.
  • Creates such applications that runs smoothly on mobile browsers.


Current: 4.36.1

  • A JavaScript library for collecting data from tree-based structures.
  • Used on JavaScript Array and Objects.
  • Creates applications that are compatible with Laravel.


Introduced: July 15, 2013

Current: 27.0.4

  • Developed by the open-source and GitHub.
  • Uses NodeJs in its core to serve pages
  • Provides compatible web application that can run to cross-platform.

Ant Design

Current: 5.11.1

  • A React UI library that contains easy-to-use components that are useful for building interactive user interfaces.
  • Provides us with high-quality components which can be used with ease.


Current: 3.2.1

  • A small, lightweight JavaScript library with a simple and small powerful API.
  • Works with the DOM element, CSS, and JavaScript object.
  • Used to generate animation for the web applications.


Introduced: August 24, 2023

Current: 4.4.0

  • An open source JavaScript library on Github that allows to draw different types of charts by using the HTML5 canvas element.
  • Used to draw graphs, make photo compositions or do simple animations.
  • Helps in creating a redraws chart on resizing of window for perfect scale granularity.


Introduced: May 13, 2011

Current: 1.9.4

  • An open-source JavaScript library for adding simple and interactive web maps.

  • Helps in creating a fast and map based weba applications.


Introduced: April 24, 2010

Current: 0.77.1

  • An open source JavaScript library that is used to display the graphics, 3D and 2D objects on the web browser.
  • Uses WebGL API behind the scene.
  • Helps in creating GPU based 3D objects on a canvas in the web browser.

JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks are essential tools for creating web applications. They provide built-in components that help in developing robust and interactive web applications. Frameworks simplify the structure of projects by offering blueprints and streamline the development process with powerful and efficient methods for handling events, two-way data binding, and more. Some popular JavaScript frameworks include:

Js Frameworks




Angular js

Introduced: October 20, 2010

Current: 17.0.3

  • A powerful JavaScript framework that helps in building dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • Creates application based on MVC architechture that leads to cleaner and more organized code.


Introduced: August 19, 2011

Current: 5.0.0

  • A widely-used open-source front-end framework for web development, providing a collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components and tools.
  • Enable developers to build responsive, mobile-first websites with ease.
  • Creates responsive web designs, mobile-first development, Efficient protyping, consistent cross-browser compatibility.


Introduced: February 2014

Current: 3.3.0

  • A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interface or UI components.
  • Can adapt incremently and it has a library which basically focuses on the view layer only.
  • Helps in creating a fast and routing based web applications.


Introduced: May 27, 2009

Current: 21.1.0

  • An open-source and cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser.
  • Provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O and cross-platform runtime environment for building highly scalable server-side applications using JavaScript.


Introduced: November 16, 2010

Current: 4.18.1

  • A small framework that works on top of Node.js web server functionality to simplify its APIs and add helpful new features.
  • Provides helful utilities to node.js HTTP objects, rounting and middlewares.


Introduced: October 26, 2016

Current: 3.8.0

  • A famous open-source framework for building Vue.js applications.
  • Based on Vue.js, which is one of the greatest frameworks for JavaScript similar to React.js used for building user interfaces. 
  • Helps in creation of SEO- friendly websites with faster page load and good performance.
  • Helps in craeting those appplication that has plugins, and modules.


Introduced: October 25, 2016

Current: 14.0.0

  • An open-source web development React-based framework created by Vercel.
  • Famous for its unique features such as Server-side rendering and enhanced SEO.
  • Helps in Routing, code splitting, code reloading, hot code reloading.


Introduced: November 22, 2011

Current: 10.2.0

  • A testing framework for Javascript running on Node.js.

  • Used for testing Javascript codes before deploying them onto the server. 

Angular PrimeNG

Introduced: February 1, 2016

Current: 14.0.0

  • An open-source framework with a rich set of native Angular UI components.
  • Used for great styling and this framework is used to make responsive websites with very much ease.
  • Facilitates the various components, panels, overlays, menus, charts, etc.
  • Helps to make SPA so that it can improves the overall experience, along with adding the different functions to perform the specific task, based on the used components.

Angular Material UI

Current: 17.0.0

  • UI component library that provides a suite of reusable, high-quality and accessible UI components for Angular applications.
  • Provides a wide range of high-quality, ready-to-usse UI components.
  • Helps to maintain large scale web applications in less time. Also, it is compatible to cross-browsers.


Introduced: 2016

Current: 15.1.2

  • A valuable toool for developers by this we can incorporate Bootstrap into our applications.
  • Improves the performance by reducing the number of watchers in an application.

Angular ngx Bootstrap

Current: 11.0.2

  • An open-source (MIT Licensed) project.
  • Provides Bootstrap components powered by Angular, which does not require including any original JS components.
  • Facilitates different kinds of Alert component, Rating component, Progressbar component.


Introduced: December 8, 2011

Current: 5.4.0

  • An open-source JavaScript framework used for developing MVC based large client-side web applications. 
  • Helps in manipulation of web pages.


Introduced: October 13, 2010

Current: 1.5.0

  • A lightweight JavaScript library for structuring JavaScript code and the structure of Backbone is similar to MVC/MV* framework.
  • Makes programmers to plan out single-page applications. 
  • Creates applications based on the MVC approach, which abstracts data into models.


Current: 7.0.0

  • An Open source UI toolkit for developing the mobile apps and web applications.
  • Provides applications that are supportive to cross-platforms such a Android, ios, Desktop.


Current: 5.12.9

  • A free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing-fast websites and apps.
  • Creates fast, responsive, and secure dynamic web applications.
  • Used to create static websites, hybrid static & server-rendered sites, and full React applications.


Introduced: January 20, 2012

Current: 2.13.3

  • full stack JavaScript platform that is used for developing modern web and mobile applications.
  • It has a set of features that are helpful in creating a responsive and reactive web or mobile application.
  • Allows you to develop in one langauge that is JavaScript itself.
  • Helps in data on write means server renders the dat a not HTML.


Current: 2.2.2

  • Client-side JavaScript framework used to create a single-page application.
  • Size is very less and covers all the features.
  • Provides DOM Elements, Components, Routing, and XHR.


JavaScript libraries and frameworks are indispensable in modern web development. Libraries like jQuery, Lodash, and D3.js provide reusable code that enhances productivity and cross-browser compatibility. Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js offer comprehensive tools and structures for building scalable, maintainable, and interactive web applications. By leveraging these tools, developers can create more efficient, reliable, and sophisticated web applications with less effort. Mastering both JavaScript libraries and frameworks can significantly boost your web development skills and streamline your workflow, making you a more proficient and versatile developer.

FAQs – JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

1. What is the main difference between a JavaScript library and a framework?

A JavaScript library is a collection of pre-written functions, methods, and classes that developers can use to perform common tasks and simplify coding. In contrast, a JavaScript framework provides a more comprehensive structure for developing web applications, offering built-in components and a blueprint for project organization.

2. Why are JavaScript libraries and frameworks important in web development?

JavaScript libraries and frameworks are crucial in web development because they streamline the coding process, enhance productivity, and ensure cross-browser compatibility. Libraries offer reusable code for common tasks, reducing the need to write code from scratch. Frameworks provide structured approaches to building complex applications, including tools for managing data binding, event handling, and user interfaces. Together, they help developers create robust, efficient, and maintainable web applications more quickly and effectively.

3. How do JavaScript frameworks improve the development process?

JavaScript frameworks improve the development process by providing a structured environment and tools that help manage the complexity of modern web applications. They offer built-in components for common tasks like event handling, data binding, and UI rendering, which streamline development and reduce the amount of boilerplate code developers need to write. Frameworks also encourage best practices and provide a consistent architecture, making it easier to maintain and scale applications. By automating repetitive tasks and providing powerful abstractions, frameworks enable developers to focus more on building features and less on managing low-level details.