JavaScript to keep only first N characters in a string

In this article, we have given a string and the task is to keep only the first n characters of the string using JavaScript. There are various methods to solve this problem, some of which are discussed below: 

Methods to keep only First N characters in a String:

Table of Content

  • Using substring() Method
  • Using slice() Method
  • Using JavaScript For loop
  • Using String’s substr() Method

Method 1: Using substring() Method

The string.substring() method is used to return the part of the given string from the start index to the end index. Indexing starts from zero (0). 


string.substring(Startindex, Endindex)

Example: This example uses the above-explained approach.

// JavaScript to keep only first
// 'n' characters of String

// Original string
let str = "w3wiki";

// Keep first 5 letters
let n = 5;

console.log("Original String = " + str);
console.log("n = " + n);

// Using substring() method
str = str.substring(0, n);

console.log("Keep first " + n +
    " characters of original String = " + str);

Original String = w3wiki
n = 5
Keep first 5 characters of original String = Beginner

Method 2: Using slice() Method

The string.slice() method is used to return a part or slice of the given input string. 


string.slice(startingindex, endingindex)

Example: This example uses slice() method to get part of a string.

// JavaScript script to keep only
// first 'n' characters of String

// Original string
let str = "Data Structure";

// Keep first 11 letters
let n = 11;

console.log("Original String = " + str);
console.log("n = " + n);

// Using slice() method
str = str.slice(0, n);

console.log("Keep first " + n +
    " characters of original String = " + str);

Original String = Data Structure
n = 11
Keep first 11 characters of original String = Data Struct

Method 3: Using JavaScript For loop

Looping in programming languages is a feature that facilitates the execution of a set of instructions repeatedly until some condition evaluates and becomes false. We come across for loop which provides a brief and systematic way of writing the loop structure. 


for (statement 1 ; statement 2 ; statement 3){
code here...

Example: In this example, we will loop till the given index and store characters in the result string.

// JavaScript to keep only first
// 'n' characters of String

// Original string
let str = "w3wiki";

// Keep first 5 letters
let n = 5;
let res = "";
console.log("Original String = " + str);
console.log("n = " + n);

// Loop till given number of characters
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    res += str[i];

    "Keep first " + n +
    " characters of original String = "
    + res

Original String = w3wiki
n = 5
Keep first 5 characters of original String = Beginner

Method 4: Using String’s substr() Method

The substr() method is used to extract parts of a string, beginning at the specified start position, and returns the specified number of characters.


string.substr(startIndex, length)


// JavaScript to keep only first
// 'n' characters of String

// Original string
let str = "Hello World";

// Keep first 5 characters
let n = 5;

console.log("Original String = " + str);
console.log("n = " + n);

// Using substr() method
str = str.substr(0, n);

console.log("Keep first " + n +
    " characters of original String = " + str);

Original String = Hello World
n = 5
Keep first 5 characters of original String = Hello

Method 5: Using Array.prototype.join() with Array.from()

The Array.from() method creates a new, shallow-copied Array instance from an array-like or iterable object. By converting the string into an array of characters, we can easily manipulate and then join the desired portion back into a string.

Example: This example demonstrates using Array.from() to convert the string to an array of characters, then slicing and joining them to keep only the first n characters.

// JavaScript to keep only first 'n' characters of String

// Original string
let str = "OpenAI GPT-4";

// Keep first 8 characters
let n = 8;

console.log("Original String = " + str);
console.log("n = " + n);

// Using Array.from() and join() method
str = Array.from(str).slice(0, n).join('');

console.log("Keep first " + n + " characters of original String = " + str);

Original String = OpenAI GPT-4
n = 8
Keep first 8 characters of original String = OpenAI G