JEE Exam and JEE Advanced Experience

Hey Guys,

I’m going to Tell You, How I Started my JEE Journey in class 9th and How I Achieved the IIT-Delhi CS Branch, So When I was in 8th grade I didn’t know about anything, but my favourite subject was Computer Science, I loved that subject, and I also want to be a Software Engineer, So at that time I don`t know about IIT-JEE when I reach Class 9th, I heard about It, that How lots of Students give this exam and how they got IITs and How their life is going on in IITs, So I decided to Start Prepration for IIT-JEE from Class 9th, I start to solve competitive Questions of Class 11th and 12 in Class 9th, At First Time It was Very Difficult to solve the Advance Questions of Maths, Physics and Chemistry, But after a few months I started having questions and then my IIT-JEE story started from here.

First, I Solved NCERT, RS Agrawal and Foundation Books of IIT-JEE like Pearson, When I reached class 10, along with IIT, I also had to focus on the Boards exam, so for that I made my timetable and managed both my IIT and Boards accordingly and got 98% in Boards. After the boards were over, I was able to Solve all the Questions in Maths, Physics and Chemistry of class 11th and 12th well because I had completed the syllabus during class 9th.

Finally, I Give my 1st JEE Exam, The JEE Mains and I got 98.59% After Seeing the result I and My Family was Happy and After this, I Was Eligible for JEE Advance, then I gave my JEE Advance Paper and I Shock to See my result, and I forgot 97.85% and I Was Select in IIT-Delhi CSE, and finally my IIT Journey from class 9th Over, I want to say everyone, I had Face Lot of Problems that you never imagined but due to some personal reasons I’m not able to say anything here, but remember one thing, Guys, Never Give Up! stay focus on your Goal, Be like SmartWork and Hardwork, You Got Your Dream.