JMAN Interview Experience for Software Engineer Role (On-Campus)

The interview process we went through was like a journey divided into four distinct rounds, each with its own unique purpose to understand one’s skills and potential.

Round 1: Online Assessment

Starting off, we encountered an online assessment in the first round. It comprised 10 questions that tested our ability to handle numbers and solve problems (which means, every question was from Quantitative Aptitude only). Additionally, there were 10 technical questions that delved into programming languages like Python, C, and JavaScript. These questions focused on predicting code outputs and a few SQL queries were also asked. Successfully navigating this round meant moving on to the next stage.

Round 2: Coding Round

Round 2 was all about coding. Shortlisted candidates were presented with 8 coding challenges on the HackerRank platform. Out of these, 4 were aimed at testing problem-solving skills, while the remaining 4 involved SQL queries. It was an opportunity for everyone to demonstrate how well they could tackle real-world coding scenarios.

Round 3: Technical Interview

Some of the questions that were asked are –

  1. How much you rate yourself in Java?
  2. Code the given questions –
    • Remove duplicates in an array
    • Remove the number that occur more than once in an array
  3. SQL Joins
  4. Types of CSS
  5. C Vs Java
  6. What is Polymorphism?
  7. Explain SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle
  8. SQL Vs No-SQL (and their implementation too)
  9. Explain about your project

(Note – Most of the questions were from OOPs and SQL)

Round 4: HR Discussion

The final round was a conversation with senior team members. Typically, HR related questions are asked.