JP Morgan and Chase Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus) 2023

It was an on-campus placement drive at IIT ( BHU) Varanasi.

There was one coding test and three rounds of interviews.

The profile was open only to CSE, MnC, EE, and EC ( both and IDD)

Coding test:

It was a 1-hour test on hackerrank platform. There were two questions. Questions were easy – medium level, if you know the basics right, you will be able to do them easily. I was able to complete both questions in 5 minutes, and it passed all test cases and submitted the test.

I was shortlisted for interviews.


Round 1:

Duration: 60 minutes approx.

The round began with an introduction of myself and my resume. There were two interviewers who started to ask about DSA and programming.

They asked about the Hashmap

  1. What is a hash map?
  2. Working on hash map
  3. Structure of hash map?

I could not answer this accurately as I had forgotten about working on hash maps… and have read it long ago .. and didn’t get time to brush it up.

Then he moved on priority queue and how it works, time complexity.

Another interviewer came up and starts asking me about projects mentioned in my resume. I had a research project base on IoT and WSNs and a published research paper based on it, so he was curious about the novel work that paper proposed and how I had done all the things.

I interned with Samsung Research Institute, Bangalore, in 2022 summers. He then went on to discuss what work I did and asked me to explain him in detail. He even made me write with pen and paper and explain the work.. as it was for him to understand verbally.

After all this discussion he came up with an out-of-the-box question that just blew my mind.

Background of question: I had a research paper published on IoT WSNs. So, the question was based on this.

Question: Suppose there is a parking lot with 5 floors. We want to utilize the parking space of each floor efficiently such that until there is enough space for a car to be parked on the floor, it should not move to the next floor. They asked to design a system using IoT that should do the required task and how this can be implemented.

Answer: Think about it. U can connect with me on LinkedIn from me to know the answer. There are different possible answers to this question.

[After thinking for about 2-3 minutes, I gave a convincing answer, and it left a very good impression, and I was invited for round 2 ]

Then, they asked me to write a piece of code to sort an array and explain the time and space complexity of the code and how it worked. This was quite simple, and the interview ended with nice smiling faces. I also asked 1 question to them after the interview was over.

Round 2:

Duration: 25 minutes approx.

It was a sort of Tech + HR type of round. I was asked mixed questions, and it generally focussed on my soft skills…how much I was able to convey my ideas to them. He asked me about the Django project, and it was a discussion about what Django is… and how it works…why not any other framework with such sort of questions. After all this…I was asked about what I knew about JPMC and why I wanted to work with the company. I mentioned my interest in Finance and how JPMC is a blend of both finance and technology, which completes my goal. I also mentioned that I started to prepare for Quantitative Researcher roles, but due to lack of time, I was not able to complete them, and in the future, I would like to switch my role to Quant. The interviewer said that you may or may not get a quant team in this profile. I replied that it is my genuine area of interest, but for now, I am comfortable with the Software Developer role, and whatever team I am allotted, I am ok with it. The interview ended with a question I asked them. He said it was nice talking to you and wished to see you in the near future and have a warm handshake.

Round 3:

Duration: 10 minutes approx.

It was a very lite round with absolutely no serious HR-type questions. I was asked about my family background, where I lived, and my location preferences among Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad. He asked me about how my day was today, and I talked about the interviews of other companies I gave last night in the last slot and that evening also.

The interview ended with the interviewer saying, “So, Yash, your hunt will hunt today…and we will see you on the other side” with a warm hand-shake all around.

P.S: Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the offer as there were lots of complications involved at that time and it was just hard luck, My offer was first confirmed by HR and then I was not part of the main list and I was waitlisted…It makes a long story… which is not demanded here XDD.