JSON to CSV Converter

JSON to CSV Converter is a tool that converts the JSON file data to a CSV file.

About JSON to CSV converter

Converting JSON to CSV involves transforming structured data from a JSON format, which is typically used for representing complex data, into a CSV file. The CSV file organizes the data into rows and columns that are separated by commas. This conversion makes it easier to interchange, store, and analyze data, making it more accessible and readable for various applications.

How to Use the JSON to CSV Converter

  1. Convert JSON to CSV using this online tool
  2. Upload your JSON file by clicking the blue button or paste your JSON text / URL into the textbox.
  3. Download the resulting CSV file when prompted
  4. Open your CSV file in Excel or Open Office

What is JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format used for structuring and transmitting data between systems. It uses a human-readable text format and consists of key-value pairs, making it easy for computers to parse and generate while remaining understandable to humans. JSON is commonly used in web development, APIs, and configuration files. It is the replacement of the XML data exchange format. It is easy to structure the data compared to XML.

What is CSV?

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a plain text file format used for storing and exchanging tabular data. It separates data fields with commas and rows with line breaks.

Why use a JSON to CSV converter?

  • Data Exchange : CSV simplifies data exchange between systems.
  • Analysis and Reporting : CSV files are easy to analyze using tools like Excel.
  • Smaller File Size : CSV files are often smaller than equivalent JSON files.
  • Data Cleaning and Transformation : CSV’s simplicity aids in data preparation.

Features of JSON to CSV converter

  • Flexible Mapping Options : Customize how JSON keys map to CSV columns.
  • Nested JSON Support : Handle complex nested structures efficiently.
  • Batch Processing : Convert multiple JSON files in one go.
  • Data Type Conversion : Convert data types appropriately.
  • Large Dataset Handling : Efficiently process large datasets.

How Does JSON to CSV converter Work ?

A JSON to CSV converter works by parsing JSON data, extracting key-value pairs, and mapping them to CSV columns. It iterates through the JSON structure, flattening nested objects and arrays into tabular rows, and then generates a CSV file where each row represents a JSON object or element.


This free online tool automatically converts your JSON input to CSV. You can enable or disable the conversion of JSON object keys into CSV column headers, specify the field delimiter symbol, and toggle quoting of all fields.