Junglee Games Interview Experience (On-campus) 2023

I am a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at KIIT University. I had the privilege of participating in the on-campus recruitment drive by Junglee Games, a renowned gaming company. The interview process began with a resume shortlisting round and then proceeded through multiple rounds of interviews.

Recruitment Process:

Round 1: Resume Shortlisting (1st August 2023)

The journey started with the submission of my resume to the Junglee Games team, who visited our campus for recruitment. They meticulously reviewed all the resumes to select candidates for the subsequent interview rounds. I had included my academic achievements, projects, internships, and extracurricular activities on my resume, which I believed made a strong case for my application.

Round 2:Online Assessment(2nd August 2023)

Around 1000 students got shortlisted for the online assessment round, After resume shortlisting round, I got an invitation to take an online assessment which consisted of three questions to be solved in 60 minutes. The questions were easy and moderate. All the questions were from data structures and algorithms.

Round 3: Technical Interview (8th August 2023)

After clearing the resume shortlisting round and Online Assessment round, I received an invitation for the first technical interview scheduled for the following day. The interview was held in a quiet room on our campus.

Interviewer: A senior software engineer at Junglee Games(SDE-III)

Duration: Approximately 1 hours

The technical interview was quite challenging. The interviewer asked a series of technical questions that tested my knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and programming concepts. Some of the questions were:

  • Find the frequency of each element in the array where each element in the array is less than the size of the array.(Space Complexity : O(1))
  • Implement an algorithm to find the first non-repeating element in the given list.
  • Implement a binary search tree and perform an in-order traversal.
  • Explain the time and space complexity of the quicksort algorithm.
  • Write a code to find the shortest path in a maze using BFS.

I was able to answer these questions confidently, as I had prepared thoroughly by revising the core concepts of computer science. Additionally, the interviewer asked me about my previous projects and how I had contributed to the development of those projects. This provided me with an opportunity to showcase my practical experience and problem-solving skills.

Final Outcome:

Regrettably, I received an email from Junglee Games informing me that I was not selected for the position. The primary reason for this decision was my communication skills and nervousness during the interviews.

I took this as a learning experience and an opportunity for personal growth. To address this feedback, I enrolled in public speaking courses, joined a Toastmasters club, and practiced interview scenarios. I also focused on managing nervousness through mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques.

Though disappointing, this experience served as a motivation for self-improvement and better preparation for future opportunities. It underscored the importance of continuous growth, both in technical and soft skills.