Jupiter Money Interview Experience for SDET

I recently had an interview experience with Jupiter, a neo-banking app, for an on-campus placement as an SDET intern. The interview process consisted of a coding round and two interview rounds.

The coding round had three questions, two of which were LeetCode medium-level questions. I don’t remember those two questions.

The third question was called “Parallel Sums.” We were given an array of integers named ‘arr.’ The task was to split the array into two even sets of integers such that both groups add up to the same number. If it was impossible to split the array, we had to return -1. Otherwise, we needed to return a string representation of the first set followed by the second set, with each integer separated by a comma and both groups sorted in ascending order. The set that went first was the set with the smallest first integer.

For example, if the input array was [16, 22, 35, 8, 20, 1, 21, 11], the expected output was 1,11,20,35,8,16,21,22.

I managed to solve this question successfully and moved on to the interview rounds.

In the first interview round, I was asked about the “Two Sum” problem on LeetCode, where I had to find two numbers in an array that added up to a given target. I also explained the solutions for the “First Occurrence” and “Last Occurrence” problems to the interviewer.

In the second interview round, I was asked about the “Primary Diagonal” and “Secondary Diagonal” of a matrix. I had to write a program to find the sum of the elements on these diagonals. Additionally, I was given a problem related to generating a spiral matrix and had to provide a solution.

I found these questions to be relatively easy, and I was able to answer them confidently. Following the interviews, I received the good news of receiving an offer letter from Jupiter. I am excited about the opportunity to work as an SDET intern and contribute to the development of their neo-banking app.