Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Campus Experience


KIIT College is a prestigious confidential college situated in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. It was established in 1992 by A.C.R. Jana and has secured itself as one of the main confidential colleges in India. KIIT College offers a different scope of undergrad and postgraduate projects in design, science, the board, and humanities.

The college is arranged on rambling grounds traversing north of 1000 sections of land. The grounds are very much kept up with and have cutting-edge offices, including exceptional study halls, high-level research centers, broad libraries, sports conveniences, and agreeable lodgings.

KIIT College has a functioning graduate class organization, which assumes a critical part in associating understudies with different open doors after graduation. This organization encourages major areas of strength for the local area and gives significant direction and backing to understudies as they progress into their expert vocations.

My Journey at KIIT University

I signed up for the B.Tech. program for Software engineering and Designing at KIIT College in 2020. During my underlying year, I zeroed in on adjusting to the new scholastic climate and gaining basic information in software engineering. I additionally participated in extracurricular exercises like the coding club and advanced mechanics club to investigate my inclinations past the study hall.

In the resulting years, I dug into further developed software engineering courses and acquired a more profound comprehension of the subject. A temporary position at a product organization during my subsequent year furnished me with reasonable experience and assisted me with forming my vocation goals.

All through my third year, I committed myself to scholastics, leveling up my abilities and planning for position potential open doors. I effectively partook in hackathons, where I upgraded my critical thinking skills and accomplished acknowledgment by winning a few awards.

As I entered my last year, I effectively got a position at an esteemed programming organization with an alluring compensation bundle. Besides, I was regarded with the gold decoration for my excellent scholastic presentation.

Positive Aspects of KIIT University

KIIT College has numerous positive viewpoints, including:

Educated and strong personnel

The workforce at KIIT College is profoundly proficient and experienced in their particular fields. They are continuously ready to help understudies and answer their inquiries. They are additionally steady of understudies’ intellectual and extracurricular undertakings.

All around kept up with offices

The offices at KIIT College are all around kept up with and best in class. The homerooms are furnished with the most recent innovation, and the research centers are all around supplied with gear. The grounds likewise have a library, sports offices, and lodging.

Lovely grounds environmental factors

The grounds at KIIT College are lovely and all around kept up with. It is situated in a serene setting, and there are a lot of green spaces and gardens. The grounds likewise has a lake, which is a well-known spot for understudies to unwind and loosen up.

Dynamic understudy life

There is a dynamic understudy life at KIIT College. There are many clubs and social orders nearby, and there are generally occasions and exercises occurring. This is an incredible chance for understudies to meet new individuals and make companions.

The workforce at KIIT College is exceptionally learned and experienced in their particular fields. They are continuously able to help understudies and answer their inquiries. The offices at KIIT College are very much kept up with and best in class. The grounds is delightful and all around kept up with, and there are a lot of chances for understudies to engage in extracurricular exercises.

Challenges at KIIT University

While KIIT College has numerous positive viewpoints, there are likewise a couple of difficulties that understudies might confront, for example,

The progress to online classes during the Coronavirus pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic constrained KIIT College to progress to online classes in 2020. This was difficult for some understudies, as they needed to conform to learning in another climate. Notwithstanding, the college gave its all to furnish understudies with the assets they expected to succeed. The college furnished understudies with PCs and web access, and it additionally offered internet coaching and backing administrations.

The potential for additional accentuation on examination, development, and giving open doors to a global review

KIIT College has major areas of strength for its culture, and it has delivered numerous striking examination papers and licenses. In any case, the college could additionally stress research by giving real financing and assets to explore projects. The college could likewise give more open doors to understudies to partake in global examination joint efforts.

Also, KIIT College could additionally underscore advancement by offering more help for understudy drove new companies and hatcheries. The college could likewise give more open doors to understudies to take part in hackathons and other advancement occasions.

At long last, KIIT College could additionally give potentially open doors to global concentration by offering more trade programs with colleges abroad. The college could likewise give more grants and monetary guidance for understudies who need to concentrate abroad.

The change to online classes during the Coronavirus pandemic was quite difficult for some understudies. Notwithstanding, the college gave its all to furnish understudies with the assets they expected to succeed. KIIT College could additionally underscore examination, and advancement, and give open doors to worldwide review. This would assist with planning understudies for the worldwide labor force and give them the abilities they need to prevail in their professions.


I’m appreciative of the amazing chance to have sought after my schooling at KIIT College. The thorough yet compensating experience empowered my own and proficient development. I’m certain that my time at KIIT College has set me up well for an effective vocation.